Monday, November 01, 2004

Serenity Anyone?

With the U.S. presidential election happening tomorrow, the term "calm before the storm" is going through my head today... An extra cup of coffee, anyone?

But does anybody ever really know what tomorrow holds? Any tomorrow?

Many people are predicting chaos for Tuesday, November 2nd, and for the
week(s) to come, actually. Maybe they're right. Maybe they're wrong.

All I know is that I plan on staying serene whatever happens. Tom and I will cast our votes in the morning, then maybe we'll eat breakfast at a cozy cafe. Maybe we'll clean-up the basement(yeah, right), or take a country drive to farmland where burnt-orange leaves cascade upon our windshield like parade confetti.

After all, no matter who wins the election, God will still be God.

Serenity. Not a word we hear often, is it? (Considering the world today, I'm not surprised.) I even looked-up a definition this morning and found this:

Serene: Marked by or suggestive of utter calm and unruffled repose or quietude.

Unruffled repose--I like that. I like that no matter how much "ruffling" is going on, I can still remain reposed. Calm at heart. Serene. All because of Jesus. He's certainly not shaking in His heavenly footwear because of tomorrow's election.

I may not be wearing heavenly footwear, but I'll not be shaking, either.

First keep the peace within yourself,
then you can also bring peace to others.

— Thomas A. Kempis


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