Saturday, October 30, 2004

Supermarket Slowpokes and Different Drummers

One day while in the supermarket I stood mindlessly waiting in line at the check out.

The young woman ahead of me unloaded only half of her groceries upon the conveyer belt while waiting for the man in front of her to pay for his purchases. Then she calmly (was she humming?) stepped over to a display of Christmas decorations and gently picked up a tiny reindeer. In the meantime, the cashier had begun running her groceries through the scanner, yet the dreamy-eyed woman ever-so-slowly replaced the reindeer, stared out the big front window awhile, then revolved once almost like a ballerina back to her cart. 

Only then did she notice she still had groceries in her cart in need of being placed up on the belt. She turned to those of us in line (did I hear impatient tapping toes behind me?) and gave us a sweet, "Uh-oh! I'd better move a little faster" smile. And yet still she moved with grace and only slightly faster.

Here, just a few feet away from me, was someone who moved to the beat of a different drummer.

Oh, her clothes were different, but they weren't the most obvious thing about her. I believe she was wearing a long paisley skirt and a thin black cardigan over a white blouse.Her hair fell almost to her waist and was black. And her shoes were more like black ballet slippers.

But what struck me as unforgettable was her peaceful, un-stressed-out spirit. She stood out as a contented person in her own happy world, a world where neighbors still have time to chat over the back fence. A world full of delightful secrets. In fact,her world appeared so happy that I wanted to join her in it. 

And one year later here I am writing about that supermarket woman. Actually, I've recalled her often because she taught me something. Namely, that I take who I really am with me wherever I go. And who I am--and who I've allowed God to become in me--can make other people pause and perhaps desire a different approach to Life. Maybe my calm spirit can help Type A personality people slow down, and in turn, perhaps this crazy world we've created will stop spinning so out-of-control.

If only for one precious minute.

P.S. Here is an article which may explain why some of the people in your life do what they do. Or it may even explain you to yourself.


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