Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Pictures, Not Politics

Need something beautiful to take your mind off of today's U.S. Presidential Election?

Here are some too-incredible-for-words autumn photos. These were taken by a woman named Jennifer who is from Ontario, Canada, not too far(relatively speaking) from my home. They will give you an idea of what Tom and I see around our town and while on our country jaunts.

To view all of Jennifer's photos, just keep clicking 'previous'. I dare you to keep your jaw from dropping as you view these God-made wonders as seen through Jennifer's eyes and her camera. Oh, and if you'd like to check out her blog called Fortysomething, here it is.

Well, Tom and I won't be able to go out together this morning, after all. A real disappointment, indeed. He volunteered to work for someone last night and he will be sleeping this morning. But don't look for me in front of my TV watching hourly, blow-by-blow, ever-changing voting results.

I won't be there.

No, I'll be out-and-about,(after voting, of course),appreciating these last few days of Autumn. And Jennifer has inspired me to take my camera.

And speaking of photos, I just returned from Kelly's blog (you know, that one I drooled over on Sunday). She uploaded tons of photos from her recent family reunion. You know how some people show you slides from their reunions or vacations and you use that time to catch up on your sleep? Well, Kelly's photos are the polar opposite of that. They'll make you want to have your own camera strap permanently joined to your neck. They'll make you crazy to have a family reunion of your own. They'll make you want to pass her photos along to your friends.

Just as I'm doing now.

Earth's crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God; And only he who sees takes off his shoes; The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

...Elizabeth Barrett Browning

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