Friday, November 12, 2004

Doesn't Anyone Laugh Anymore?

Man, there are a lot of uptight people on the Net! Each day I do a little surfing, hoping to find inspiring, funny, meaningful things and you know?

Sometimes it's like a desert out there.

Remember how the Bible says in the Last Days people will be dying of heart attacks? ("Men's hearts will fail them...") Well, after reading the uptight, no-sense-of-humor, critical, stressed-out, mostly-politically-induced angry words that I find on many websites, I'm not surprised.

Anyway, before I go any further, I wanted to follow-up on one of my posts. Here's a list of the new blogs which have made it to my links list. Maybe some of them are ones you will enjoy, also:

Blogin' Idiot
C/San Bernadino
Heavy Revvies
The Main Point
MUD International Ministries

Each of them made me smile or even laugh aloud in some cases.

And just a reminder--

Laugh everyday. At least a little.

Watch a funny movie. Allow yourself to laugh right out loud.

Find the humor in everyday life. "It's in there."

For just one day, don't blog about our current political unrest.

People are often funny. Laugh along with them.

Watch your favorite sit-com.

Check your worry at the door.

Stay healthy--laugh. 

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."  ..Proverbs 17:22

Laughter, the best medicine.


1 comment:

  1. I love laughter. I love the sound of laughter. When I bought my condo my realtor said in a warning tone of voice "Now, notice, this is really close to the pool!" I responded that was okay with me. This is my healing home. I blessed every room to God's glory. The sound of laughter and kids shrieking warms my heart. Maybe it won't sell so well when the time comes (and I don't even want to think of that day), but that doesn't matter to me. What matters is the happiness, peace and laughter I've had here. Tears, too, but that's not what this is about. :)


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