Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Curb Shopping

I may lose my classier readers with this post...

I've written a couple posts about my old-fashioned town, but I've not yet mentioned what I fondly call Curb Shopping. Tom is one of the greatest curb shoppers in all the land--you should see the treasures he's rescued from the monstrous trash-munching truck. Well, you can see a smattering of them here
. In fact, you may want to peek at them before you read any further, lest you think I'm talking Disgusting Garbage. 

I'm not.

No, in our area, people generally stay-put forever, hence, all the hundreds of attics are crammed full of days-gone-by stuff. And our people are old-fashioned enough to even do a big Spring cleaning every year. 

But Curb Shopping is an enjoyable year-around sport. Tom and I sometimes drive down our streets together in search of an unknown prize and the anticipation is exciting. Being together is fun, too, especially when we drive into cozy lanes which resemble an aisle at a flea market. Tom peers out the window at the left, and I scan the sidewalk to the right. And if we see something delightful, and if no families are gathered in the yard or on the porch, we pull over and haul whatever-tempts-us into our car.

Oh, what people fling away! Hutches, antique dishes, bookcases and books, tables, chairs, TV's, stereos and appliances which still work great, garden furniture, bricks, diaries, old family photos and scrapbooks and --

Oh, we're not the only ones who go on such treasure-in-trash searches. It's a well-known sport throughout our vintage area and can even become a contest of sorts to see who'll be first to raid the latest treasure.

Blessings from God can be found anywhere we look--even scattered along the street. Some days we just have to look a little harder to find them. 


One person's trash is another person's treasure....copied


  1. It's all in perspective, isn't it?

    My brother has always collected and painted those little green army figures. He liked to display his work but couldn't figure out a way. Then, one day, out back of a Thrifty's he found they were discarding 3 lighted display cabinets for sunglasses. Between us, we hauled them home ... he was so happy!

  2. Hi Jeanette... Wow--What a great find for your brother! Displaying the things we enjoy is half the fun. Thanks for stopping by and God bless... Debra


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