Monday, November 29, 2004

How's Your Home Life?

Tom unearthed a wonderful antique book for me at an estate sale two weeks ago in an old, old house.

The big, dusty book is called Dwight L. Moody: His Life and Labors. It was written right after Moody's death in 1899 and is full of interviews with his friends, family and colleagues. One thing is repeated over and over: Even if people disagreed with Moody's theology, they all agreed that he was a sincere man of God and he practiced what he preached.

Hmmm. If a book were written about me upon my death, I wonder how my friends, family and colleagues would speak about my life and labors.


I'd be most interested in reading what my own family said about me. I firmly believe that what we are at home is what counts the most. Charity does begin at home, and if I am treating my family like they are nuisances holding me back from some supposed Greatness out in the world, well, I am confused. 

I am only as great as I am in my own home, on a bad day, among those who know me best.

And as I clean my house today and prepare and serve meals, may I remember that. May I live as though it's all about kindness, love and putting others first.

Man, that's vital in these days when it's very unpopular to be an old-fashioned Christian. It's vital that it be said of me like it was said of Mr. Moody; "I may not agree with Debra's theology, but she was the real thing and practiced what she preached. And in her own home, more than any place else."



  1. Good Post Debra . . . Amen to the idea that who we are at home shows our true heart and nature . . . looking forward to you sharing more of the old pics . . . they are such treasures . . .

    i was interested to note that you spoke about DL Moody . . . last night i was just compelled to write about the famous evangelist of our time - Billy Graham . . . he has meant so much in my spiritual life, with his straight up witness . . . and after i posted my blog - my sidebar with my pic, bio, archives, etc. all slid down the side and showed up at the very bottom of the blog page!!! i didn't touch anything, and i'm waiting for an e-mail from the help people - but i had to chuckle because even my pic wasn't worthy to be across from Dr. Graham - i can say AMEN to that! blessings on your day . . . saija

  2. Wonderful post.

    I've been working full time in ministries of one sort or another for over 15 years. I've heard so many stories of men who have sacrificed their family lives for their ministries. I decided long ago that that wouldn't happen for me.

    I married Pauline almost 12 years ago and have been working on making my family a priority ever since. I don't always get the balance right but it's constantly in my thoughts. My family is my greatest ministry and that belief was rewarded on Sunday when I had the privilege of baptising my 8 year old daughter a couple of days ago.

  3. Saija and Rodney-- thanks so much. I've known earlier that you both have discovered the importance of all things home-related. It shows in your own special blog writing. Thanks again and God bless!... Debra


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