Friday, February 28, 2025

Checking-In From My Vacation

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”   --- Matthew 11:28-30


Still here! Mostly.  シ 

Don't faint or anything, but Tom and I haven't taken a 'real vacation' since 2015. Partly, we've 'created a life we don't need a vacation from', but we have other excuses reasons, as well.

So! Sometimes I take days/weeks off upon the red couch and gaze out the big picture window and read, watch Youtube videos, think, pray, and spend extra time with God. Oh, I still keep up with housework, but in a couple minutes at a time, more relaxed way.

I'd call it a staycation, but that sounds far too formal.

Though truthfully, I still, sometimes, must push away the shoulds and oughts on these vacation days. You know, give myself permission to lighten up. Sit around a lot. Relax. Not feel I should be encouraging others (that's the hardest one for me).

This vacation, via Youtube, I've watched tons of the old Unsolved Mysteries show (I know, I know), fast-forwarding through the supernatural/too violent/just plain weird segments. Not only does this series teach what not to do, but also that We Should All Be Super Grateful We're Still Alive. heh.

Yet partly this vacation is helping me heal more fully from my 2024. Gah, a year I'd rather forget. God's still healing me from the tragedies and big changes (health and dietary-wise) I've needed to make--and I love that He gives me personal days, especially to work through additional layers of acceptance.

I appreciate that He shows me ways to not allow those changes to kidnap my attention nor distract me. To not center my thoughts around growing older. I'm still stepping out of that foggy road.

Anyway, weeks ago I switched to a Keto diet, which hey, is mostly awesome, doable, and beneficial for my gotta-balance-my-hormones-better challenge. Both Tom and I are benefitting from it.

But yeah, saying farewell to flour is sad and yet? I've felt much grace (much. grace.) in this good-bye. Mostly now I can watch travel show folks eating donuts and sugar-stuffed desserts and feel happy for them (only occasionally muttering, "Enjoy those while you can, buddy.").

Nothing on this Earth, I remind myself, lasts forever and in Heaven? I'll be able to eat the flour-made desserts up there. All of them. (The lovely, positive thing about growing older is that it means you're farther up the path to Heaven.)

Anyway, in the meantime? I'll celebrate the tons of blessings still flowing my way. Family, friends, cats, my sweet home and books and life with God. All of it, so extremely good. 

And daily I'll keep repeating, "I love this life You've given me." 

I do. I really do, even in the midst of the aging, the tweakings and the changes I'm still growing used to.

When God wants me to take time off, who am I to feel all guilty about doing so?  Hmm?

Rather than carry around our gaping wounds, it's vital that we allow God to heal us so we can freely move forward and help others.


A delightful travel video: 48 Hours in Colorado Springs.

Anyone else remember this song?

And this may sound kinda pathetic, but when Tom and I finished rewatching the series, Grimm, I got all teary-eyed. Man, I did not want that show to end! 
I'm trying to recall another series where I loved all the characters as much, (even the ones you couldn't quite trust), but as of yet, I can't.
(And again, it's not a show for everyone. I totally get that.)


Books I Finished Reading in February--

A Roost and Arrest by Hillary Avis
Born in a Barn by Hillary Avis
It's Bright in My Valley by Jerome Cleveland
The Finders Keepers Library by Annie Rains (absolutely loved this!)
Sawdust in His Shoes by Eloise Jarvis McGraw
Forever, Erma by Erma Bombeck
Smack Dab in the Middle of Maybe by Jo Watson Hackl


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Heaven and the Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda's of Life

"For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."   --- 1 Corinthians 13:12


Okay, so some coulda, woulda, shoulda's are only meant to make us feel guilty. And slow our progress. Discourage us.

"Man, when I was younger, I could have become a _____ (fill in the blank with an important-sounding profession).

"I would have changed the world if I'd have had a different upbringing or  opportunities."

"I should have made more money while I had the chance."

That's not what I'm writing about this morning. 

No, I mean the truth; the coulda, woulda, shoulda's we might feel after entering Heaven when we see clearly what God had designed us to do.

You know, the tasks we ignored because they seemed insignificant. 
The kindnesses we procrastinated until they became impossible. Too late.
Or the thoughtful words we held back.
The emails, cards and encouraging media posts we did not send.
The love we failed to show.
The condolences we hushed.
The gratitude we did not express.

(That list came quickly to me. Gee, I wonder why. Gulp.)

I believe God placed us upon Earth with customized, specific plans. Always, He's tinkering with our hearts, showing us the unique direction we should take... and who will accept what He sent us, specifically, to give.

And it's thoughts like these which keep me mailing Valentine's to friends year after year. If almighty God nudges us to do a thing--then to Him? It's not tiny at all, but rather, important. Dare I say, vital.

In different words, I believe it's time to think ahead. Way ahead to the day we're standing (kneeling?) in front of God, giving an account of our short time here.

Whew. What a day that will be. Yes, scary, but less so if we early chose to obey God, even in tasks which appeared miniscule.

Who knows but if those tiny things were actually the huge ones?

“I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.”
― Laura Ingalls Wilder

Are you fulfilling your destiny?


Happy Valentine's Day in advance to you who are in my 'village', each of you who help keep me writing here, doing one of the things God placed me upon this Earth to do.

Truly, thank-you much!


Movies we enjoyed recently:

Lost On a Mountain in Maine  Based on a true story. We loved the interspersed short interviews with folks actually there in 1939.

So Be. It.  Extremely quirky. Unique. A tragedy happens near the end (not to the little girl, exactly. She's ok.), in case that's a trigger for you.

The Last Rifleman. Based on a true story and really, a remarkable movie. (Some war violence shown in retrospect.)

All of My Heart.  A fun Hallmark film I watched alone. シ

And if you like cozy mystery books, here's a movie in a very typical cozy mystery format.


Okay, this woman was inspiring (and oh my, that porch! I'd have to have one like it if I lived in a tiny house.)

I've seen tons of tiny houses, but this one has so much storage, that maybe you could bring everything from your large house with you. heh.


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15

Monday, February 03, 2025

Age Is Just a Number? Ha! I Don't Think So.

"Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?” For it is not wise to ask such questions."   --- Ecclesiastes 7:10


My blog, my perspective, ok Folks?  シ


We've all heard this garbage stuff, right?  ---

C'mon. Seriously?

My nearly 66 years have required me to make tons of changes so that I can keep going till the end of this wild race (Hebrews 12:1).

You know, as opposed to falling apart way early, then limping along, all whiny.

Changes like--

While younger, I could eat anything. Anything

But now? No way. I developed certain food allergies and various other foods create problems for my problems. heh.

In past seasons I could do housework or gardening steadily for hours, but now? After working 15 minutes or so, I sit and rest/read/watch Youtube. You know, to recharge the ol' battery inside.

When a body part begins to fizzle out (ha), I must do online research to discover what's wrong and how to repair it. Often a dietary change is necessary or additional vitamin supplements and also, I must search for new recipes or tweak old stand-bys.

I used to pride myself on being low-maintenance, but Honey, lately? Nope, this ol' gal is living in High Maintenance City and oh boy, the acceptance issues she's worked through. Sheesh.

During earlier seasons, I enthusiasticly drove around various towns so to shop or go out for coffee. These days? Shopping online and drinking cocoa in front of my laptop is my idea of a rollicking good time.

When I remember something I must do, I cannot spin around to go do it, lest I become a tad dizzy. (That's a crazy habit I had to break.) Also, I step more carefully now.

When I wish to remember to do certain tasks later, I must write them down--or else.

I'm often decluttering 'after the party', while considering Naomi's life after I'm gone and my new heavenly one. You know, preparing for both.

During these later years I'm always asking the Holy Spirit for His wisdom rather than my own bright ideas. The Bible says wisdom will save our lives and oh my, I've found that factual.

Acceptance that I can't do things the same old way. 
Not wishing for past seasons. 
Not saying the old days were better. 
Learning to focus on just one thing at a time.
Accepting a shift in priorities.
Discovering new ways to live a simple, daily life.

All these are just a sampling of the changes my age/body/mind have required of me, especially the past two years.

And you know? With Jesus, it's still a very good life and I'm anticipatory of the days to come. As long as He remains with me, helps me fix what breaks, everything will be ok.

We'll make it together, even as circumstances continue to change. In joy, even.

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."   --- 2 Timothy 4:7

One thing I love about aging is my increasing reliance upon Jesus. Every hour, every moment, I so need Him.


Places to go--

My current favorite instrumental music video. This one comes in second.

Hidden Rooms and Secret Furniture. (This made me smile and inspired me, too!)

Oh, and we finally watched The Best Christmas Pageant, Ever (I'd waited three long months) and absolutely loved it! Tom cried more than I did, but what else is new?  ツ


Books I Finished Reading in January (yeah, a few too many cozy mysteries)

God's Perfect Timing by Rev. J. Martin
Three Bird Summer by Sara St. Antoine
Do One Thing Every Day That Makes You Happy: A Robie Book
A Cop and a Coop by Hillary Avis
The Case of the Calico Crab by August Huiell Seaman
A Flock and a Fluke by Hillary Avis
The Riddle of the Red Whale by Edward Fenton
Jellies, Jams and Bodies by Donna Walo Clancy
Jam Up and Jelly Fright by Donna Walo Clancy
Murder with a Hint of Pumpkin Spice by Laura M. Drake


Never fear! Springtime will come again someday soon.

I do love that as we grow older, we become better as we choose to let God continue His personal work within us. Oh, how we need His wisdom and all else!


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15