"Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written...For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you." --- John 21:25, John 13:15
I'm hoping no one who reads this blog thinks in her/his brain, "I'm forgettable, talentless, plain. Like vanilla. Nothing stands out about me."
Because oh dear, that's too sad--and a lie.
Yet if those sorry thoughts often swirl around your mind, this post is for you. It's a simple reminder that yours is not a wasted life! You've made a difference. You've done thousands of things, Honey, in this stopping-off place before Heaven.
Just read down this list of examples of what you may have accomplished. Things you might have done thousands of times--literally!
Perhaps, over decades, you've cooked thousands of meals
for loved ones.
Read thousands of books,
which made you more understanding.
Driven thousands of miles,
sometimes giving needed rides to others.
Taken thousands of walks for your health.
Decluttered thousands of items so to
make your passing easier on your kids.
Written thousands of letters and/or emails
to let others know they're not alone, but cared about.
Washed thousands of dishes (and clothes),
illustrating your love for family.
Made thousands of social media posts and/or phone calls
to encourage friends.
Shopped for thousands of groceries thousands of times so to feed your family.
Perhaps thousands of times you've attended church, prayed prayers, sang songs thousands of times, spent hours alone with God. Vacuumed carpets, walked dogs, emptied litter boxes. Watched tv shows/movies/Youtube videos, learning new skills or ways to be (or not to be) and live Jesus-style upon this planet.
And those of you with 'real jobs'? Just imagine the thousands of hours you've poured into those for the care of your family!
Such a short list, this one. I'm certain you can think of other things you've done thousands of times.
What I believe? God keeps track of all this. He records it all in books--and He remembers. He appreciates what we do from a right heart, what was born from a godly compassion, the kind that keeps us giving, moving forward, in Him, decade after decade.
We're just passing through this place, but oh, what we're meant to learn here so to prepare us for Heaven! What we're meant to do, thousands of times in the name of service and aid to others.
The loving, the service, begins on this temporary plain, but will go on and on, forever. In obedience, in joy, now and for eternity.
I hope today you'll ask yourself what you've done thousands of times!
And Grace! Don't forget how Grace helps us do it all, every single thing God asks of us. What's important is to rely more upon Grace than ourselves.
The only way I could give away 2,500 items since 2019? By following Grace. Her idea of letting go of 10 items per week was genius! Doable. Not painful. And with Grace making it even enjoyable, for me, it's been downright miraculous.
A Harvest Homecoming--a cute movie (very Hallmark-ish. I watched it alone.), but oh my. The set decorator! She (it had to be a she), strung bright orange leaf garlands in every house and business and even the elementary school gym(!) I thought maybe it was just me who was consistently distracted by this, but no. Half the comments pretty much said, "It was like Autumn threw up everywhere." Heee..... I'd never seen anything like it. She'd even tossed fake leaves all over lawns. Oh dear. ッ
Tom and I finally watched the new Twisters movie. Really enjoyed it. Very little 'language' and yes, there was violence, but only the kind you'd expect in a movie about tornadoes. Er hem.
And we really enjoyed 50 to 1, a film about the race horse, Mind The Bird. Starts a bit slow and is a very simple movie, but the payoff at the end is worth it. We do love based-on-a-true-story movies!
To me, this tiny house felt huge! (Well, relatively. heh.)
This began my morning with a big smile!

----"Whenever i'm about to open up a bag of chips, i picture RFK Jr giving me this look, and I put down the bag of chips and get myself a carrot."
--@Annette Prestia

----"Whenever i'm about to open up a bag of chips, i picture RFK Jr giving me this look, and I put down the bag of chips and get myself a carrot."
--@Annette Prestia
"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15
Oh my goodness! I burst out laughing at the JFK thing. It's true. Very true. I'm trying to be better and after Hubby's blood work yesterday, we need to turn a page. He's relatively thin, and the healthy one of this partnership and after being pre-diabetic for over 15 years, he was diagnosed as diabetic. Yikes! Changes are taking place in the Queen household for sure.
I loved the first part of your post too. We are our own worst critic but God sees it all. The GOOD and the bad. He knows where our heart lies and loves us unconditionally.
Have a great day Debra. Lots of autumn love to you! Oh, where did you find that movie that threw up autumn? Sounds like something I would like.
Blessings and hugs,
Thank you for reminding us of all that we have done and will continue to do, with God's help. Even though we were formed from dust, we have purpose and a marvelous plan to fulfill. I absolutely love that tiny home, and I agree with you, Debra, it does not feel small. I believe it was your last post that had a link to a ton of tinies, and I really enjoyed seeing those, too!
That RFK picture...ha ha!!
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