Thursday, July 25, 2024

Twenty Years Blogging and Happy Autumn(?)

"To make an apt answer is a joy to a man, and a word in season, how good it is!"   ---Proverbs 15:23


Walking down the sidewalk beneath tall sycamores in 2004 I thought, "Should I begin writing in a blog? Who even wants to read about my life?" But then on July 25th I stepped into Blogland. 

Have a God-blessed dream, goal or longing? Do it before the conviction and grace seep away, ok? They erase the struggle.

Some of you immediately spied me, decided to stay, and 20 years later I thank you for hanging-out with me beginning at Autumn Cottage.

Others discovered my posts 18 years ago or 16 when, after our 6-month apartment-stay, we first moved to the farm. Such adventure out there! The barn, the huge garden, the painting of rooms, the job lay-off, the enormous yard (which finally defeated me). 

Yet always, the gratitude that we took the plunge and lived our farm dreams before that window in Time slammed shut.

Out upon those quiet 4 acres some of you discovered me, then decided to travel along to our Hobbit Cottage (or as I also call it, Our Little Yellow House In the Land of Goshen).

Thank-you for that.

You'll hardly believe this, but next month we'll have lived here 13 years. Incredible, especially considering this was meant to be a temporary stopping spot on the way to our dream house.

Another lesson? Always choose the house God wants for you. He knows if you'll need to stay longer than you'd planned.  He sees ahead. He realizes the upcoming circumstances causing you to use rooms (and do Life) differently and the way you'll need upkeep to become simpler.

He knows you'll not forever be that proverbial spring chicken.

Wow, the changes in my life these past 20 years! Yet what remains the same? With each post, I ask God to speak through me so to encourage people. To help them, you, learn from my mistakes and lessons-learned and to perhaps think differently about God and Life.

It's that simple and may I always keep it so.


And the Happy Autumn thing? 

Yesterday was Day One of Autumn at Hobbit Cottage. I'd had quite enough of Summer (ugh) and decided to begin my autumnal celebrations early. Yes, in July, ok?  ジ

Something else I share here? Know yourself. Know what you need to keep yourself strong in God and Life.

I collected 50+ Autumn videos in a folder at Youtube. After making a low-sugar pumpkin pie for breakfast, I placed my metal Fall Bucket List sign on the refrigerator. I began a search for Autumn-based books and am currently seeking Autumn computer wallpaper (thanks, Ann, for that idea!).

Last night we even spied an extremely autumnal tv commercial which I told Tom aired just for us.

And that was only the first day.

"There are exactly as many special occasions in Life as we choose to celebrate."

--- Robert Breault

How long have you been reading here? Hmm?


And I'm still thinking about this. The small changes we make today really can largely affect our future. Let's all do what God is nudging us to today!


A very favorite Autumn video.

This was hilarious and took me back in Time to cassette tapes.  ツ

And this was cute: How To Live Grandmacore

I so enjoy people who know exactly what they like and want. Like her. (Those ladder stairs looked cool folded up against the wall, but to climb them? Uh, no. Not me. heh.)


This quote made my week:

"Waiting on God is always active; it should never feel like you are doing nothing. If you're waiting on God, take action! Seek healing, improve your physical health, educate yourself in areas you're called to, and gain practical experience through internships or relevant work. Waiting is a time for preparation and growth, not stagnation."
--Shawn Bolz


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


Robin in New Jersey said...

Happy 20th!

Betsy said...

What a great post Debra! Happy 20th blogaversary my friend! That's a long time. I'm not even sure when I started reading. I know it was back when we lived in our house in Spokane and I was having issues with my heart. You sent me the series "Gilmore Girls" when you found out I had never watched it. How I've enjoyed seeing them for the first, second and third times! You've touched so many lives through this blog, sharing links of interesting, fun and educational videos. Thank you for being here and encouraging me with each and every message. Even though we've never met in "real" life, I consider you my friend, my sister in Christ and I know we'll meet someday soon.
Blessings and love,

Sandi said...

"With each post, I ask God to speak through me so to encourage people. To help them..."

Thank you.

Also, I love the time-travel quote!

Pam said...

Congratulations Debra! Twenty years...that's a big chunk of life. You've given all of us readers so much. There've been tears and laughter; hopes and dreams; and God's truths woven throughout. Thank you! May the Lord continue to bless you, Tom and Naomi, and may He touch many lives through your blog.

Debra said...

Robin--thanks so much! I appreciate that you've read here for so many of those years.

Betsy--what a special comment! Thank-you so very much, my friend. And I'm so happy to know you've enjoyed that first season of Gilmore Girls. I think that may be my favorite, especially the episode where a wake is held for Babette's cat. Love that one and especially their so-cozy home (my eyes always dart around looking for new decorating ideas!). Thanks so much for being one of my most faithful readers and commenters! It's always a treat seeing you here.

Sandi--another faithful reader! Thank-you. And I'm glad you liked that time travel quote--I still think of it often and am glad I came across it at Twitter. Thanks again!

Pam-- I always appreciate your comments so much! Thank-you.I appreciate your congratulations and good wishes more than you know and so often your encouragement was helped me. You are much appreciated!

Thanks so much, Everyone, for reading here so faithfully! Blessings, Debra