Wednesday, May 08, 2024

May This And That

1.) Springtime! Love it and color me grateful we had Hobbit Cottage repainted yellow. I wish it to be a bright, sunny beacon for all who walk past, especially. A light in a dark place (Today's world), so to speak.

The afternoon sun gleams upon my Prayer Garden's side of the house and oh! Lately I'm using a special suet which draws songbirds. How thoughtful of God to have created birdsong concerts outside our very own homes.

2.) Don't you love it when God gives you a new idea? Lately I hold my morning quiet times here:

The light is brighter in Real Life. 

After moving the chair back a tad, I sit upon the carpet beneath the sunlight-like lamp, facing my reference and non-fiction/fiction books. Usually instrumental 70's music softly plays and wow, how I anticipate these times!

3.) My current quiet time books? These:

And actually, I have quiet time throughout the day (most often on our front porch and yard) and even night (upon my bed when I awaken in the early hours). Anytime seems right for drawing near to God.

"Seek the Lord while He may be found."   --- Isaiah 55:6

4.) I forgot to mention something about Instagram, namely, I'm using it only for beautiful things. Inspirational things. 'Things of a good report' (as Philippians says).

I appreciate this idea. My other social media places are mixtures of everything good, bad or ugly, but Instagram remains my 'Calgon, take me away,' only-sweet, rejuvenating place.

5.) Tom and I rewatched The Electrical Life of Louis Wain and you know? I believe we enjoyed it even more the second time. Bittersweet (very), but we found Louis' life so creatively interesting.

6.) Here are plants that are toxic to cats, making it wise for cat owners to never own these (best) or to place them in impossible places for a cat to reach--

  • Aloe
  • Azalea
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Lily
  • Mistletoe
  • Poinsettia
  • Rhododendron
  • Tulip
  • Holly

7.) During my recent time of trauma, I kept a draft folder of helpful, timely online quotes. This proved so encouraging for me. Here was a favorite:

"Never doubt in the darkness what God showed you in the light."   ---Tim Sheets

Oh, the temptation during traumatic times to forget that!

8.)   ジ

9.) Books I finished reading in April:

Farewell by Horton Foote
The Curious Affair at Heron Shoals by Augusta Huiell Seaman (favorite of the month)
Best Friends by Mary Bard
The Mystery at Number Six by Augusta Huiell Seaman
Encyclopedia Brown Lends a Hand by Donald J. Sobol
The Girl Nextdoor by Augusta Huiell Seaman

10.) Another new morning ritual? Listening to someone funny, like this lady.
Anytime is right for visiting Stowe VT online in the autumn!
Here's what the eclipse was like in my neck of the woods. Oh, and this happened there, also... so cool!
And for anyone else who happens to be aging, this was rather nice.

11.) Remember those Bible verse cards I bought a couple years ago to use as bookmarks?

I began leaving one or two inside the books I give away. Perhaps they'll prove helpful to people and hey... everyone loves getting something for nothing.  シ


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. "How thoughtful of God to have created birdsong concerts outside our very own homes."

    Listening to one now. 🙂

  2. Your home looks so pretty all decked out in yellow and surrounded by your flowers! I can imagine the birdsong, too. Some mornings, the birds sing me awake! Love that. Thank you for the quote, "Never doubt in the darkness what God showed you in the light." I need to keep that at the forefront of my mind.

  3. I missed a few posts while we were out of internet range camping and life has been crazy with houseguests and Mom stuff since we've been home.
    Lots to appreciate in your post today. I like your quiet time place. I also didn't know that about tulips. I knew most of the others weren't good for cats, but not tulips. Thanks for the information.
    Takce care!


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