Monday, April 29, 2024

The Sweet Morning Out

"Therefore, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord, your labor is not in vain." --- 1 Corinthians 15:58.


So Friday was Tom's birthday.

We decided to do something wild and different, so we ran errands together. シ (Ol' Debra's been quite the homebody this last forever.) 

After visiting the Salvation Army store (which reminded me how different I've become because gone were the giddy feelings of decades ago, though I did buy 2 cozy mysteries and a middle grade book), we drove to the library. Remember when I wrote how I'd wandered the halls and said good-bye to that no-longer-relevant-for-me place?

Yeah, well, I also said never say never. Heh.

Anyway, Tom had been unable to, recently, watch a movie online for he'd needed a library card number. I told him he could use mine, but I'd have to renew it, yet searching through my purse there in the parking lot, could I even find my card? Uh, no.

So we ambled past the windows of the former jail cells (always interesting), then to the circulation desk at the end of the hallway maze. Two folks helped us both get new cards. The woman, reading Tom's license, said, "Hmm.. April 26th. Wasn't that, oh, it's today! Happy birthday!" She looked at Tom. "Do you have any special plans?"

To which I quipped, "This is it." She and her male co-worker laughed aloud, then Tom added we'd order out for lunch and watch movies.

Afterward, we drove through a favorite neighborhood of adorable post-war houses. Then a slow drive past the unfinished Michael's store where men wearing hardhats worked (wasn't Michael's due to open in March?). 

Then Tom decided he'd like to check out Goodwill. Once there, I remained in the car with my new books (didn't want to overtax myself on this rare day out. Ha!), while he shopped.

Oh, and did I mention the sun sparkled in blue skies?

The day's remainder resembled our 'Saturdates', with added lovely birthday wishes from Facebook for Tom. Good food and movies and more sunshine.

A perfect kind of day, we agreed. One I, especially, needed after the past 7 emotionally-difficult weeks (though this past one, finally, felt more normal).

Truly, God can heal our hearts. If we choose healing over holding on, that is. And though, honestly, I feel like our recent tragedy whisked me from God College waaay back to the 5th grade in God Elementary School--still--I know better than to wallow long in pools of regret, guilt and grief.

That would help no one, especially me who wishes to end her Earth Journey with a life she can smile about for eons to come in Heaven.

"And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you."   --- 1 Peter 5:10

Perhaps this will help someone: 2 weeks ago I felt so I-can't-do-anything-right-ish. Suddenly it came to me to write a list of things I've done right (or well) since 1978, the year I married (and felt like an adult). The list? An encouragement to my heart and a reminder of the things God's done through me to bless others. 
(Always fight the lies with truth!)


On Tom's birthday, we watched the cutest, funniest Paul Hogan movie (from 2020). Still makes me smile to think about it! The Very Excellent Mr. Dundee. I can't even recall any warnings about it to pass along to you.  ツ

I so enjoyed Ariel's latest video

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be.

 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. When the Lord allows us to go through difficult times, it really does begin to feel as though it will never end. Seven weeks is a long time. But then He does what only He can do--He lifts us up and puts a new song in our heart. Hallelujah. I thank God for His work in and through you, Debra.

    Happy belated birthday to Tom! I think your day sounded lovely.

    How's Naomi liking her new job?

  2. Gosh I'm late in seeing this post. We've been out camping all week with no internet. I'm glad that you're finally feeling a "bit" better.
    What a lovely day you and Tom had together. Your library sounds like a very interesting place for sure.
    Like Pam, I thank God for His work in your life Debra. He always has perfect timing and perfect love for each one of us.


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