Friday, September 08, 2023

Mostly Just Checking-In

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."   --- 1 Thessalonians 5:18


Whew. Probably this was my hardest summer, ever. 

Humidity, smoke-filled air, dark clouds, steamy-rain, Daniel the Cat's back injury then death, Tom's gout, the passing of my sister's daughter-in-law, and more, including a pain in the neck this past week whenever I read or went online (hence no post here), two favorite things. The pain had lessened until I sat down to write this.


Yet this morning? The return of cool, September-like temperatures, here to remain, most likely, and my heart is singing gratitude songs to God who helped me survive not just bad summer months, but an altogether rough year so far.

And yet, lovely things happened, also, and you must see Hobbit Cottage's new coat of paint:

I'd like to snap one with better lighting.

                       This one's closer, more realistic with the glow.

       The mailbox was all chipped, the walls stained, but both are gleaming now. And I still love our red door and the barely-visible-here green door knocker.

Larry the Painter did everything himself, alone, because no longer can he find partners who show up or put down their phones. (A theme we all hear these years, right? Something for which to pray.) 

No problems! No headaches. In six days Larry left us only excellence and beauty and on mornings I sit upon the porch listening to geese honking overhead, watch the school bus kids waiting and the falling leaves--and overflow with gratitude.

May we remember that praising God during dark times brings us rays of light for this present day and the road ahead. Always His hope shines brighter than our problems, ones here or yet to come.

How much better it is to repeat, "And all shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well" rather than moan and complain over everything gone wrong.

"Everything was fine until the humidity settled in."   --- Susan Branch


Speaking of gratitude, I discovered this woman last week and her sweet appreciation of gifts from Walmart totally blessed my heart.

And here's her video where she shared how to fry chicken on the stove with no oil or flour. (Looks yummy!)


I appreciate many styles of decorating, yet perhaps this type is my favorite. Oh, how I kept gasping throughout the video! Truly, some of the most dreamy rooms, ever.

Books I finished reading in August:

Welcome Home (by Melissa Placzek)
Yours, Truly
The Phantom of Walkaway Hill
Mystery of the Green Cat
Mystery of the Red Carnations
Mystery of the Strange Traveler
Romantic Country (by Mary Emmerling)


Don't let this happen to you.  ッ

Yes, there is!

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. My condolences on the loss of your sister's daughter-in-law.

  2. I'm so sorry you've had a rough year. Still, I love the way you look for the ribbon of hope amid the trials. Always appreciate your outlook on life. And I love the new paint on your house.

  3. After I received notice of this post via email, I tried and tried to open it, but could not. luck. luck. And then this morning, it worked for me! I think I was supposed to read it exactly now. Debra, when I read of all the things that you and your family dealt with, lately, I was reminded that sorrow lasts for a night, but joy comes in the morning. Yes, all will be well. All is well.

    This past week our younger grand daughter was sick with a high fever. She was not herself. We all took turns caring for her. The doctor said she had ear infection, and thankfully, she's getting better. But if I'd been able to open this post before today, I might not have received the full benefit of its blessing.

    I watched the video you linked to the lady named Pam who was thrilled to receive a gift from Walmart. As I sat alone in my peaceful living room (no more tears from baby girl), I listened and every time she said "Oh my goodness!" it resonated in my heart and mind. There is so much goodness for those who simply look for it and receive it. I can't explain it, but it was a deeply moving spiritual experience for me.

    As always, I want to thank you Deb, for your faithfulness to write as God leads you. Hugs to you.

  4. I'm late, but I'm here! We arrived home about midnight last night and fell into bed. I got sick with a cold/fever two days after we arrived in London and missed the entire wedding preps and the event itself! Sometimes things can't be helped. I couldn't go and make everyone else sick. There will be photos of which I am not in as mother of the groom and everyone thought my best friend was me as she sat with Dennis during the dinners! Her husband was home in Spokane.
    Oh well, God knows best. We're now all home. I'm still coughing and now, because of the plane ride, I now have a plugged ear.
    Oh well. Que Sera. At least it's not the dreaded Covid. I tested twice.
    I hope your week is better than past history my friend.

  5. Sandi--that was so sweet of you. Thank-you.

    Deb--thank-you much! It's been harder to look on the bright side this year, and oh my, you should've heard how often I repeated, "I can do all things through Christ... I can do all things....." :) Glad you liked the yellow, too!

    Pam-- I'm so glad your granddaughter is feeling better! Times like those are scary--I still recall a scary time like that with Naomi when she was a baby. Oh dear. And yes! Wasn't that other Pam such a blessing, what with all her sweet gratitude?

    Betsy--thanks so much for your good wishes! And by now, I'm praying you're feeling immensely better and enjoying autumn-like weather.

    Thanks so much, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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