Monday, August 28, 2023

August This And That

"The Lord is so very good and His mercy endures forever."


1.) Guess what? 

Hobbit Cottage will be repainted this week. I can't believe we'd seriously toyed with waiting until next year! Stepping around with the painter, those yellow outside walls looked dreadful. Just pathetic.

We've hired the same guy (of excellence) who painted our basement last October. How grateful we are to know we can trust him.

The color? Basically the same light yellow as before, but this time the trim will be painted, as well. White, of course.

We can't wait until it's all finished!

2.) Speaking of paint, after all the shabby chic/cottagecore videos (found new ones here), I'm doing bits of painting here upstairs. Here's a peek so far--

I left the top light-yellow because I like the way it reflects the light, plus, I became tired of painting. Er hem. Probably I'll paint the dollhouse, light-pink.


              This still needs a second coat, plus I'll repaint a couple frames.

And as with all my photos, everything looks nicer in-person.  シ

Only in the mornings does this room receive direct sunlight so choosing light colors (and lots of lamps) makes life up here, brighter. One must do what one must do to bring light into her rooms--and Life. 

She should not wait for others to do it for her.

3.) Lots of years had passed since Tom and I binged on a new-to-us tv series, but for the past 10 days we've watched Superman and Lois. 

Fun stuff, especially if you enjoy superhero/family/small town stories. We're watching by way of HBO Max (via a work friend's subscription) and are nearing the end of season 3, the final one so far.

We do chuckle over how often the characters apologize to each other. Of course, it's wonderful to be able to say, "I'm sorry,"(yes!), yet it's even better not to make the same ol' mistakes in the first place.  シ

4.) Charlie the Cat is lightening up! Totally taking over the upstairs and having adventures downstairs at night under the cover of darkness. 

The way he meows for attention from me is rather wild and he's slowly warming up to Tom. He's only been here 2 weeks and, considering all things, is enjoying his new home.

5.)  Anyone else anticipating Autumn? Oh, the humidity of this summer and the storm and smoke clouds and steamy rain (so.much.rain.), but this week we are cool and sunny.

Whenever Autumn arrives, it's as though I experience a reunion with the real, true Debra, the one who no longer feels wiped-out and daily-weary by Summer--

--and how good to become reacquainted, to recall who God created her to be.

6.)  Hooray! The latest Pumpkin Falls book came out this week and my copy arrived after lunch. The first 2 books were perfect, the 3rd was good, and I'm hoping we'll have another winner with this 4th book,one appearing to be autumnal (yay!).

Read about the 1st book here. Or here's the actual book for you to read free online.

7.) Some things just cannot be explained, right? 
Well, often I watch mobile home sales tours at Youtube. 

I enjoyed the still-vintage kitchen of this one, as well as the colors used on walls, furniture, curtains, etc., and the overall design. 

And of course, the Florida room. Oh how I always envy appreciate those. Oh my.

8.) And wow! This woman is a true decorative artist. Man, what she did to her oh-so-blah kitchen! She's planning to tear it all out in a couple years, but I would, most likely, keep it forever.

Be still my heart.

9.)  And let's throw in this for good measure:

10. --- and never, ever forget this:

Follow Grace! Always follow Grace and you'll never be lacking any good thing. Whatever you begin, she'll help you finish.


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. What is a Florida room? I will have to watch!

  2. Oh I really like the way you've painted things upstairs. Especially the yellow top and blue bottom. You have some great decorating ideas. It has been SO hot here. We had a bit of of break in the low 80's over the weekend but it's now back to hot. Well, next week in London should be a bit cooler anyway.
    That last meme is a saying I've oft repeated.
    Take care and have a great week!

  3. I always think your home looks lovely, but when the time comes for painting, it's wonderful to have a trusted painter to call on. A good worker is worth his/her weight in gold!

    Took the tour of the Florida home. It really did seem spacious. The plastic owl sitting on the roof made me smile. Wonder if they threw that in with the sale.

    That kitchen facelift was amazing!! One of the best I've seen. I agree with you, Debra, I'd keep that forever (love the colors).

    Our temps dropped this week, thank the Lord! Maybe Fall is on the way...can't wait!!


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