Friday, July 07, 2023

Oh, The Plans of Mice and Debra :)

"This is what the Sovereign Lord says: “Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength..."   --- Isaiah 30:15


Daniel the Cat stopped eating much and Life became all, "let's see if he'll eat this or this or --." Then our computer router went wonky-lost-its-mind and I asked Tom, "So when does our good season begin? Eight weeks of this bad one is making me nuts."

After much research and dietary changes,Tom's gout cleared up after 10 days. For a week he felt fine, then yesterday morning when I stepped downstairs he grumbled, "My foot hurts again."


Plus, it's *&%$#@ summer so I'm feeling 95, weak, all trying-to-survive-ish and --

No, that's enough. 

My Complaining List is long, but oh, how important (I lecture myself) to name what's going right, rather than sinking below the teary waters of Self-Pity (man, what an enemy he is).

Yet I'd made all these plans! Much decluttering and porch reading and making our house--if not elegant--well, self-cleaning, roomier and spa-like.

But times, seasons, like these arrive to remind us that, basically, we don't have much control over Life. Some, yes, especially when it's our own self-control in reacting to the bummer stuff.

Yet sometimes God desires we replace our supposed-control with faith, instead. A trusting that He will work things out, in time.

If we do our part,
then rest while
He does His.

In calmness,
no worry allowed.

And that's the test.


While trying to choose creativity over complaining, I made this, below, inside our old entertainment center. Cleared away tons of clutter, hung the picture then the battery-operated sconces and brought down favorite old books. (Forgive the glare, lighting, etc. I used my antique iPad to take the photo.)

I love the vintage surprise awaiting behind the doors. How encouraging to make a change, even though it took 3 days and a younger Debra would've done it in a half hour. heh.


Books I read in June:

Woodswoman 3
Big Doc's Girl
The Hidden Pearls
Mystery of the Empty House
You Can Start All Over
The Clue in the Cobweb


Only my friends who love rampant creativity (and don't mind a bunch of stuff) will enjoy this young couples' small apartment  . Personally, I loved this.


And here are some movies I can recommend. Well, mostly recommend  ツ

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 

 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. You, Tom, and Daniel have been going through the wringer (one of my mom's sayings), but I appreciate what you said about remembering what is right. Lately, it seems my devotionals and scripture reading have pointed to the power of our minds over circumstances. It's not easy to stay focused (especially when you or loved ones are struggling), but it is possible to realign ourselves to look at the good--keeping our eyes on Christ.

    Debra, I really like what you did with your entertainment center. Love the sconces and the way it turned out. BTW, I watched the video about the young couple redoing their small apt. and was amazed.

    Nouwen is right...we must actively choose joy...every single day.

    I appreciate your posts, Debra. You and your family are in my prayers.

  2. This is so very timely for me, Debra. Thank you again for calming my heart by reminding me of God’s promises. I have been praying the Surrender Novena lately, so this is wonderful reinforcement. Thank you!
    It is one thing to believe these things and an even more beautiful (and often difficult) thing to live them faithfully. Your actions and words are an inspiration! Thank you.
    Love the picture and sconces, btw!
    God bless you and your family. Sending love.

  3. Oh dear Debra, I'm sorry you've been going through some rough times and hope that soon things will turn around for the good.

    I am so, so sorry that I haven't been here for awhile ... I'm way behind in reading your posts but will get caught up eventually. At times I get so overwhelmed with life that I can't deal with much of anything and just shut down. Trying to dig myself back out of the hole now.

    Thanks so much for the quotation on joy ... I copied it and am going to write it in my notebook where I keep all such things.

    God bless you, my friend! (Hugs)


  4. Pam--thanks! And yes, I think the wringer finally stopped spinning. Mostly. heh. Thanks for the compliment about the entertainment center changes. It feels great to have finished something around here!

    Bonnie--thanks so much for letting me know this was timely for you. I also appreciate your kind words and may you today be experiencing much peace within your heart. Thanks for reading here for a long time!

    Thanks, Debi! I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling overwhelmed these days and I'm glad this post was helpful. Praying for much peace of mind for you today, my friend!

    Thanks so much, Ladies. Blessings, Debra


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