Monday, June 26, 2023

A Second June This-And-That

1.)  So in between all the crazy, need-this-like-yesterday research about gout (Tom's was serious. Severe.), God gave me a personalized gift. 

This woman's never-boring decorating videos. Wow. She shows us gorgeous, expensive coffee table books of dreamy rooms, while narrating bits with her lovely voice.

Oh, those rooms! My since-childhood decorating passion has returned to the Sizzling setting rather than the Fizzling one.  シ Here and here are my favorite videos so far.

2.)  Tell me about it. Oh my.

3.) Also, Oralia gives us plus-size ladies wonderful advice about the clothes we should/should not wear and she models such beautiful pieces. Another gift, really, this past week.

4.)  Way, way back, I adored televised ice-skating competitions. I especially remember Kurt Browning because you could sit on your couch and not worry that he'd fall.

Finally at 56(!) he's retiring from skating and both Tom and I got all teary-eyed at his final performance here.  Also, I enjoyed this interview

Good for Kurt to have used his gift to bless others for so many decades!

5.) Probably I've read 'Live Alone and Like It' 7+ times, even without living alone, myself, and now you can read it, also.  Go here.  Marjorie Hillis was a quirky author with a sense of humor rather like mine, but she shares hers better.

Orchids On Your Budget, too, is encouraging. Written long ago, their relevance still astounds me.

6.) As for Daniel the Cat? He's had some healing, for he can take more steps and make better turns while in the sling thing. But barring a miracle, he may have to spend the rest of his days in the large center-of-our-living-room crate so to avoid stairs and furniture.

Yes, that's sad, yet he's healthy otherwise and God's given us much acceptance grace. We'll try to make interesting the remainder of Daniel's days and again, we're open to all miracles. 

A special thanks to those of you who have prayed for him.

7.)  Oooo.  Brave (and true) words.

8.) Seriously, I've stated this numerous times, but the trick is learning to enjoy everything you do. All of it. The housework, errands (and the traffic), decluttering, yard care, paying bills, doing laundry.

Spending time discovering ways to find joy in each is extremely worth the effort! All of life becomes a treat, not a hassle.

9.) Oh! I keep forgetting to mention that yes, I still want our house repainted, but no, not in a lovely dark blue-grey. We'll stick with repainting the same light yellow, for my practical side won: dark colors absorb sunlight like crazy--and who needs that? Certainly not me, the summertime wimp.

Stay tuned to see if this actually gets done in 2023.

10.) And my oh my. Some seasons (like my current one) you just have to repeat--and do-- stuff like this again and again:

.... and I would add more photos and verses, etc., but it's time to make lunch which hey, has become interesting. All those websites which say, "A gout diet isn't bad. You can have all the celery, cherries and water you want!"

Okay, okay, I'm exaggerating. But hey, not by much.  ッ

Let's all hang in there together, ok? No season lasts forever and often that's an encouragement.


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. *** "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I'm so glad to read that you've found more things to keep the joy in your life. I'm going to go watch some of the decorating videos. I always liked Kurt Browning too. I remember watching him years ago. We're going to try our trip again, leaving on Thursday. Did you read my blog about our one day vacation last week? If not, you'll have to check it out. Talk about best laid plans and all that. God was with us for sure as things could have been much worse.
    I hope you have a lovely Wednesday Debra. Thanks for the encouragement in your post today.

  2. I sure am glad that Tom and Daniel are making progress. You've been going through a rough stretch. You're right. It's important that we continue to find joy, regardless of what's going on. It is possible.

    Can I just say I was mesmerized by the woman who folded the napkin into a rose. She has such a soothing voice. I kept wanting to take a nap, but didn't let myself, lol.

    And Kurt Browning--what great memories from that interview. Amazing skater.

    Thanks Deborah. I'll continue to pray for your family, dear friend.


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