Wednesday, April 12, 2023

For The Unappreciated Folks

For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. ... and your Father who sees in secret will reward you."   --- Philippains 2:13, Matthew 6:18


Lately I'm watching reruns of Restaurant Impossible and often the moms, especially, say they desire their restaurant to do well so their children will be proud of them. So to leave a legacy.

That's usually when I squirm a bit on the red couch and wonder what kind of legacy I'm leaving for not only Naomi, but as a general Life one, as well,

Me? I am a behind-the-scenes person and folks like us find describing our lives difficult. We major in the unseen. Mostly.

People ask, "So what've you been doing lately, Debra?" and it's kinda frustrating finding an interesting answer.

I might say, "Oh, just spring cleaning", but who wants to hear about pulling out the broom to swoop down cobwebs or washing the dishes displayed near the kitchen ceiling or walking clutter down to the Salvation Army drop-off even though I believe God wants me to create a clean environment for my family? To plan ahead so no one will have a horrible time tossing my possessions upon my demise?

(The entire housekeeping thing: that's hard to make sound delightful unless you're a Bailey White type.)  シ

If I declare, "Gardening," what I really mean is scooping up buckets of dead, brown leaves into the trash can and preparing my garden beds for transplants. Yet you go describing all that and peoples' eyes frost over. Only another gardener gets the importance, the joy (I don't know many).

I would list the titles of books I'm reading, but nobody in Real Life cares about those vintage authors. Gladys Taber? Mary C. Jane? Augusta Huiell Seaman? Who?

Prepping, boycotts and buycotts are important to me, but not so much to my acquaintances.

I might add that instructional Youtube videos fascinate me, help and teach me to live with purpose, but that's a whole scattered, many-faceted (and again, eyes-frosted-over) thing.

Sometimes I say, "I'm still blogging after 18 years," yet only another blogger/teacher/minister would understand (or want to hear) what all that entails. How fulfilling/cathartic/challenging it is to be responsible for such a ministry to others--

--and of course--

it's not like you can recount the appreciative emails or comments you receive. That never feels right.

What also never feels right? Saying that since Tom and I are as old as dirt and have paid our bills (and our dues), we have extra money to give away to others. We love that we've tithed for 44 years and that we're able to make extra monthly donations to folks in need.

But you certainly can't go talking about that, either!

And of course, Tom and I don't have grandchildren to brag rejoice about and although I love listing ways Naomi's a huge help to us, still, her personal life is not for me to share with others.

So basically, when people ask what I've been up to, I toss out a simple oh-just... statement, then immediately ask where Life has taken them. Then I lean back, relieved, because now all I need do is listen--and fortunately--I love hearing new stories.

I'm sharing this today because some of you, my fellow behind-the-scenes friends, need this:

God is keeping a record of all we faithfully, secretly, do for Him and someday in Heaven? All the books will be opened and everyone will see and finally understand how we spent our years. The ways tiny things--when appointed by God--were huge and actually helped spin this world the way He designed.

Yet what will prove most important on that day? God led us. He performed those actions, those tasks through us--

--and He understood us, He appreciated us, every moment of the very long journey.

And that's what mattered most of all.

Since we know someday we'll be understood by others, we can live in a present joy today.

What God also appreciates? All the times we kept going while feeling so tempted to quit.

Until we realize and know God's deep appreciation for us, we'll be expecting others to give us what only God, Himself, can.


Okay, this lady was a pure delight. She loves being the third generation country store owner and throughout the entire video I never sensed she wished she'd gotten out of town for bigger, flashier things. Such contentment, I believe, is a gift, and what a marvelous legacy she's leaving!

And the narrator of this video often spoke of forgotten memories and people and homes, but as mentioned earlier, Almighty God forgets no good thing.

This year I'm purposely aiming to read more books each month. Here are those I read in March:

Gone-Away Lake
True to You
Return to Gone-Away
Through Charley's Door
Practically Twins
If These Walls Could Talk
The Frightened Whisper
Anna Wolfrom Dove and The Wigwam Tea Room

It matters. All of it. Every task and gift and lesson and adventure. Although Earth isn't our home, it's still the place where we begin to learn how to later live, thrive even, in Heaven.

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 

 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. We are human beings, not human doings. 🙂 I read that somewhere. Your daughter is/will be proud of you regardless of these things. You love her. That is what matters.

  2. Hi Sandi and yes! I do believe we're human beings, not doings. I've actually taught that here before. Yet what I believe even more? Faith without works is dead. Our faith and obedience to God will have us doing what He created us for, the specific purposes and callings, and to show up in Heaven not having done those things? Oh dear. For me, personally, that makes me shiver in my boots. :) There's so much balance (and godly obedience) required for a wonderful life, right? Thanks for reading here!

    Blessings, Debra

  3. Very appropriate post today Debra. I'm like you, so much goes unsaid, unnoticed and people think I'm boring, not motivated. But God knows what I do and that's all that is important.
    As for your reply above, I just heard that in a sermon recently. We are definitely NOT saved by our works, but faith without works is a dead faith. We can't help but be generous and serving as believers. It's what our Lord did and we are to imitate His life.
    Many blessings and love,

  4. I needed to read this post, Debra. Sometimes I feel like I'm not accomplishing much, but my goal is to stay open to the Holy Spirit and obey as He leads. Some days are great, and other days I struggle, but I know the Lord will continue to work in us and through us. Nothing we offer Him is ever wasted.

    I've started watching the video about the Appalachian general store. You mentioned the woman's contentment. She seems so calm and collected, too. Lovely traits.

  5. Betsy--thank-you for your words of wisdom! So true about Jesus doing so many things while He was here. I always remember the verse about how books couldn't even contain all He did!

    Pam--thank-you for letting me know this was timely for you! And yes, that woman was so calm. I loved how she could make sandwiches while still speaking coherent sentences--I can't do that. heh. :)

    Thanks so much, Ladies!

    Blessings, Debra

  6. Playing catch-up on your blog, but just had to jump in and say (as one who has quite a bit of activity to share about) that I bet your friends LOVE what a great listener you are. This was a reminder to ME to shut up already and take the time to listen to others and acknowledge that the things they are doing are worthwhile and interesting even if they might not be deemed "fascinating."


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.