Tuesday, April 25, 2023

April This and That

Still here! Some weeks a gal just needs a vacation from blogging, hours to think her own thoughts without feeling she must type them. This was (still is?) my vacation.

So as a 'soft return' here you go: a few simple links, thoughts and memes.

1.) Oh wow! 
For months I'd longed to read the titles on Miranda Mills vintage books bookshelves and hooray! Yesterday she gave us marvelous, long glimpses (I que'd it to the place here). All those titles of books yet undiscovered(!)

Vintage books. For me, they're the very best, especially in their original hardcover form. (I'm grateful for the vintage books I read online, I am. But holding a book within your hands just seems to add to the story. Somehow.)

2.) Now, for my friends who, also, are nearing retirement age, here's a short-ish video filled with--not the financial aspects--but wisdom regarding the now-what-do-I-do? hours not often planned for.

Both Tom and I found this video helpful: Five Things You'll Wish You Knew Before You Retire. Timely, thought-provoking stuff there (though, yes, it felt a tad odd listening to a young man speaking).

3.) And let's insert this here:

(Isn't it wild/sad how some folks get stuck on a certain chapter for the rest of their lives?)

4.) And as I wrote at Facebook: "Yesterday I did a great act of faith. I placed our snow shovels back inside the garage for storage."  シ

5.) Ariel created a new video! In this one she gave us three examples of what she's thinking in the way of redesigning her kitchen. Fun stuff! She even asked us to vote for our favorite.

6.) And wow. Here's a blast from the past: Jesus Music Time Sweep 1969 - 1979. Just a few seconds of each song, but oh, the memories for us of a certain age! What a treat as a junior high school girl to switch on her transistor radio and hear Christian songs. Seems like only 10 (or so) years ago.  ヅ

7.) Here's an article I appreciated reading: How To Love Your Home Even When It Isn't Your Dream. Much great advice and may just make you appreciate your home again, especially after making some tweaks.

8.)  A chapter from my life:  シ

9.) Yes, it's possible! Joy is stronger than our troubles.

10.) Now this link is NOT for my minimalist friends, but for the rest of you who enjoy seeing a house with lots of cool stuff. heh. How amazing the items handed down through her family or found on the street.

11.) And I'll leave you with this to mull over today:

.... it matters now and eternally!


(And my oh my... we're having so many April showers that our lawn guys would have to row a boat  in order to arrive at our jungle of a lawn. Oh dear. This is just a test. This is just a test.)

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Nice to see you back. Number 8 is so appropriate for me. And I saw your snow shovel comment on Facebook. We had snow last Saturday so I guess I better keep it out awhile longer. Meanwhile, we're going camping today for the first time this summer. It's time for our yearly "shake down" trip. We're supposed to have a beautiful couple of days.
    Blessings and hugs

  2. Debra, I agree! Sometimes we just need to take time off. Of course, I miss you, but I certainly understand needing a break. It was fun to listen to the Jesus music (so long ago...), and I enjoyed watching #10 (such a great home and those puppies were adorable!). I'm looking forward to watching Ariel, too.

    That young man talking about retirement looks about 12 years old, but he really had good points.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.