Saturday, December 03, 2022

December This And That

"And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart."   ---Luke 18:1


1.)  So for the sake of my memory (or lack thereof) I ordered a stack of puzzle books, ones with varieties of mind puzzles to solve. 

Remember that Bible verse which states, '... the thing I most greatly feared came upon me'? Well yeah, it's like that. I'd feared I'd be a total puzzle moron and hey, I am.  
I can't even understand the instructions of some of these puzzles, let alone solve them, but I'm plodding on and determining not to give up. 
At least not yet. 

2.) While at the farm, I found the perfect place for this hanging tin:

                    Horrible lighting, long story.

-- but here? Uh, no. That is, until 2 weeks ago when I hung it at the top of the basement stairs so we could use it as Naomi's mailbox. Easily I can place her mail there.
Truly, so many things in Life just take time and slowly I'm accepting that (see #8).

3.) I found this whimsical perfection:

4.) Oh! Forgot to tell you our handy-dandy countertop George Foreman oven (yes, oven), died. Our second one, the size and ease of usage of these were perfect. 
Well, they're no longer sold so I wearily searched online and found most toaster ovens are too large for our specific counter space, that is, until I discovered this one:

Sengoku SET-G16A(W) HeatMate Graphite Compact Countertop Toaster Oven

Is that vintage-cute, or what? How lovely to begin a search from necessity and have it turn into a sweet surprise. The hundreds of reviews were wildly positive and now my own is as well. Color me thrilled with this.

5.) Did you hear about Jay Leno? How his face and hands were burned while working on a car? 
Well, Michael Knowles shared an insightful video about Jay's hospital recovery, how he humorously helped nurses aid others and passed around cookies to children, etc.
Then Michael shared thoughts on a word, a concept, I'd not considered in years: buoyancy.

Here's a small portion of his words:

"How good it is to cultivate buoyancy. How good it is to not only be resilient... but to be buoyant so that when circumstances get you down, try to smother and drown you under water, you just boop! Pop back up. But too often, people have the opposite response. They'll sink to the bottom. But how much better is buoyancy."

6.) Probably you're listening to Christmas music at Youtube (or wherever), but here, before Autumn officially slips away, is my favorite vintage autumn music video. Never do I tire of this.

7.) Here's a cute and easy winter idea--

8.) Finally I'm learning to stop questioning, "Why didn't I discover this book/tv series/household hack/video/decorating idea sooner?" 
I mean, I'm big on keeping my eyes open constantly for all those, yet over and over, years past their initial appearance, I'll find them.
The answer? They come to me when I will appreciate them far more, feeling like a timely gift from God.
I can accept that. Now.



Happy December to you (and isn't this mouse incredibly adorable?)--

You probably don't remember this, but I used to have 9 pet mice who I actually loved (no, really) so I know they're waiting for me in Heaven in my mansion and perhaps they'll dress like this upon greeting me!  ツ


Happy or grumpy: it's our choice!


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. That mouse IS adorable and I hope your mouse friends are waiting for you in Heaven. I like to think that our dogs and cat will greet us someday.
    The little post box is a great idea. A cheerful little idea for Naomi's mail. And I'm the same with puzzles. Awful at them.
    Blessings on your weekend.

  2. I sure do enjoy reading your posts, Debra! They make me smile and they make me think. Girl, give away those puzzle books that hurt your brain. Who makes them, I wonder?

    Sorry your GF grill died, but I really love your new one. So doggone cute! We are so fortunate to be able to go online and find nearly anything and everything we want/need.

    Thanks for the fall music. I grew up listening to Rosemary Clooney, Bing Crosby, and Frank Sinatra because my mom and grandma loved them. Great memories!

    I hope you're feeling better and your vertigo is long gone.


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