Saturday, November 12, 2022

Ways To Create Room For All The Collections of Your Heart

"As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy."   --- 1 Timothy 6:17


Years ago after writing a post about my book collection, a reader commented that she had trouble making room in her home for all her books. "Do you have any suggestions?," she asked.

I'm unsure that I answered her question (forgive me. I'm so hit and miss with replies.), but I'm certain my answer today would differ.

You see, right around when covid became a thing, I 'heard' within me, "It's time to release 350 of your books." Very much it seemed like a Holy Spirit instruction.

Yikes! Oh no! I proceeded to (roughly) count my books and discovered that meant half. Half of all my dear book collection needed to disappear?

"I'm not sure I can.," I whined mused. But rather than disobey what I believed to be God's request, I determined to aim toward releasing 350 books.

Two-and-a-half years later I've given away 334 books and wow. I'm as surprised as you are.

Was it a somber, painful task for this book lover? Only perhaps in 4 instances. But (I've noticed) when God leads me by wisdom, truth and common sense, all is--mostly--well. Done with a heart peace.

Some helpful notes? I --

--kept only books I loved. Ones I'll reread repeatedly.
--skimmed through books of uncertain devotion. Read their endings. In most cases I felt like, "Why am I even holding onto this book?" Then flung it away.
--checked Open Library for the books I kinda-sorta loved and if they had a copy? I released mine. (This also applied to books I have on Kindle.)
--also, I gave away the books I'd collected because fellow book lovers had. You know, a 'keeping up with the Jones' thing.' (Tsk. Tsk.)

Well, you get it. Mostly, I kept the books I truly loved (or needed, as in reference) and let go of those which lost their purpose. 

And wow, all the new, empty shelf space in my little house! I'd unknowingly created space for an upstairs' 'pantry room' which in turn, made lots of shelf space for Naomi in our basement before she even needed it.

All by following one simple instruction: "Give away 350 of your books."

Now, is this post simply about ridding one's life of books? Uh, no. Perhaps you don't even collect books. Rather, it's about releasing anything unloved, non-beautiful, unnecessary, non-holy from--not just our home--but our heart.

It's about living the freely-received, freely-give lifestyle Jesus asks of us, so that we don't bog down in our journey's middle.

And it's to create flowing, incredible space for more joy. More adventures. More blessings. And more knowing of God, Himself.

"Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys."   ---Luke 12:33

“The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.”
― Steve Maraboli

Oh, to release anything holding us back from our best life!

Just a few of my books which survived the Great Culling of 2020 - 2022.ツ And I forgot to add I now have lots of room for more books--oh my! Of course, that's only good if I don't go crazy and instead, remain super selective in what I purchase.


Has anyone else discovered the This Home Youtube videos? So many lessons there about the futility of 'storing up for yourselves treasures on Earth'. But even so, oh Honey. I'm currently addicted to those fascinating videos, the ones about the mansions of long ago. ツ

Oh, and my crafting friends may appreciate this cute (and simple!) paper roll snowflake idea. 


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I think that we have all experienced times when the Lord asked us to do something and we either obeyed or we didn't. I remember once on a very cold winter day when I was wearing my best and warmest coat and I saw a young pregnant woman in the grocery store without a coat . . . I know that the Lord said "give her your coat". I reasoned my way out of obeying, and from that day forth that coat was ugly to me, I couldn't wear it anymore and ended up giving it to someone else. I missed the blessing God had for me. I remember that day well, for it was maybe 40 years ago, but the Lord uses it to remind me that when He asked something of me I need to obey. Not only that, but it becoming a privilege and an honor to obey. You never miss anything that you give in honor of the Lord.
    He's such a good teacher :)

  2. Another good lesson for me today. I need to get rid of somethings too. We have minimalized and gotten rid of so much in our three moves in two years, but I know we still have too much. I seem to easily get rid of things, but Hubby? Not so much. He's afraid we'll only have to re-purchase it if we get rid of it. Money is not plentiful when you're retired and have yet to begin collecting S.S. :-) We're trying to be frugal.
    Take care my friend.

  3. This is a sobering post and timely. This message is always timely, though. I'm going to be 69 soon and I am living proof that God continues to teach us how to live...and give. When I was younger, I thought I was serving the Lord, but most of the time I followed what other believers were thinking and doing. As I have grown older, it seems that the Holy Spirit is trying to teach me lessons, one-on-one. Bible study and prayer time is more important than ever. Staying in close contact, throughout the day (and some nights)with the Holy Spirit has firmed up my foundation.

    Debra,Connie and Betsy, thank you for sharing what God is doing in your lives. It is so encouraging to learn about how the Lord is working through others. Debra, I'm still amazed at how many books you've given away, and I remember when you were giving away household and personal items every week. That inspired me to start looking at what we owned. And I've started asking what it is we need. There are so many who are needy, and we have much to give. Praise God!

  4. Connie--oh my! I have a story almost exactly like yours, though it involved (not) handing a woman my umbrella in the rain. Wow. I learned so much for that, have never forgotten it and that exact opportunity has never arisen again (this was 20 years ago), but similar ones have. Thanks for sharing your story with us!

    Betsy--I'm sure you've gotten rid of so many things in your last moves! At least now you can move at a slower pace now that you're in your new home. What's helped me is keeping a record of how many things I let go. This really encourages me when I look around and it seems like we've hardly released anything! :)

    Pam--thanks for letting me know I'd inspired you to let go of things! I do still try to release things each week, at least ten things, and it seems easier to do it that way. I'm so happy you're in your new home and enjoying your uncluttered life there!

    Thanks so much, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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