Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Did She Quit? Or Did She Temporarily Enjoy a Different Season?

"There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens: ... a time to tear down and a time to build ... a time to search and a time to give up ... a time to keep and a time to throw away... a time to be silent and a time to speak..."   --- from Ecclesiastes 3


Back in late 2019 God began preparing me for 2020. You remember 2020, right? What a year. What. A. Year.

Anyway, He sent all sorts of new people, ideas, missions and projects my way and I enjoyed them! I did.

But suddenly for the first time, I stopped decorating my home. And I missed it. I didn't understand this departure from a since-childhood love, other than to blame it on my you-can-only-decorate-a-small-house-so-much disgruntled whinings.

Fortunately I loved every creative change I'd previously made here, but as for trying new things? The decorating lady living inside me, well, she died in 2019.

But three years later she rose again.  ッ

Of course, I could become all analytical. Why those 3 decorating-less years? But I hate analyzing things, for so often I get them all wrong. I prefer listening to God's explanations.

Pretty much? I think He said He'd rather have me peacefully productive than overwhelmed and hit-and-miss. 

And you know? I can accept that. Rather than blaming my sometimes-lazy-and-wishing-for-another-house self, I prefer this explanation. Oh, the peace it brings.

And wow, my recent happiness at the restoration of creativity! The sweet tranquility. The timeliness of it all, what with Naomi now living in our 'downstairs apartment' (as I named it) while her fears daily dwindle farther away.

More than ever she needs her mom to walk around here in that type of all-shall-be-well calmness. That kind of creativity. That kind of deep joy.

God's timing. Perfect. Always.

One of my projects since 2019? Decluttering our house. So far we've let go of 1600+ items. If this is also your goal, give yourself time! You can do this.

If something disappears, it doesn't always mean it's gone forever. Sometimes, yes, but always, no.

Oh wow oh wow! Last week I discovered the decorator, Bunny Williams. (Youtube has lots of videos where she shares decorating hints.) The way she decorated her Connecticut home--be still my heart. Gorgeous.
Though yes, my minimalist friends should probably skip this video, too. heh.


While searching through basement boxes, I discovered my pretty green candle holders and a smallish supply of vintage tapered candles (and re-fell in love). Probably I found them all at yard sales.
Tapered candles have really gone up in price! But they can still be found sanely priced at Dollar Tree and a few are at Amazon (here) and Target (here).
But with my recent rewards from my credit card, I did splurge and buy some beautiful, like-vintage candles from Amazon at more than my 60 cents each cut-off price. 
I must've bought the last ones, for no longer is the original box showing fullsize. All I could find is this tiny one:

Such pretty candles/colors, right? Just like vintage-long-ago.

This isn't decorating-related, but isn't it cute?

In real life, it's more of a deep-but-brighter wine red. I love it. Wear it all the time around the house and out. I also bought 2 black ones, one for myself and one for Naomi.


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I enjoyed your post and thoughts today. That warm hat you bought for you and Naomi looks comfy and warm. This is the time of year I think of comfy and candles are part of that. Prices for every thing are so high but I like hunting for good deals and I ordered some candles for Christmas gifts.

  2. I'm really, really thankful to hear that Naomi is doing better. What a blessing it is for the three of you to all be under one roof right now.

    1600 plus items released. Oh my! Doesn't that feel wonderful? Today, I started to pull a few Christmas items from a tote. We kept our favorite things. Most were sentimental. I couldn't help but remember when we were living on the farm, the storage room down in our basement was absolutely full. Many shelves. All loaded. I figure we gave away about 75% of that stuff and I'm thrilled.

    That winter hat is adorable! I need to find something like it to wear when I go out for my walks. Also love your table top arrangement. Those candles are gorgeous!

  3. Hello Debra: That hat. I love it. I may have to find a pattern for one like it. :-) I'm so glad that Naomi is doing well being in your home with her parents with whom she feels secure. God had you preparing for it long before you knew.
    I've also been burning candles in the evening here in the apartment. There's nothing like the light and smell of a candle burning in the evening to bring coziness to your home.
    God bless you my dear freind.


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