Thursday, July 14, 2022

(Part Of) What I Did On My Summer Vacation

"And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.”    ---Mark 6:31


So ol' Debra took a staycation of her own, heavy on the 'stay' part.  

This included two weeks of not blogging (did anyone notice?) and racing to beat the morning sun on the front porch so I could read and get that vacation feeling before broiling. (Seriously, I need one of those roll up/down screens out there, but we've only lived here nearly 11 years and these things take time.)  ッ

I complained much about the humidity, but let's pretend I didn't.

Also I reread my three favorite Betty MacDonald books:

Onions In The Stew

(and Who, Me? is here, a compilation of her books)

... and last night dreamed I visited Betty and her family on Vashon Island where we laughed a lot. Don't you love it when you dream about folks who aren't even here anymore? 

How kind of God to make that possible.

As usual, I made myself a tad crazy by checking local real estate online. Even recalling my back hurts when I do one extra job 'round here, (and would I even survive a move?) still I search.

Yet I look and dream and instead of crosswords and Sudoko, attempt to sharpen my mind by answering questions like, "Could we live in that house comfortably?" "Where would we put the _____ ?" (fill in the blank). "Could we fix the deal breaker?" (always, there's a deal breaker and always tons more questions).

Oh and yes, people insist it's a horrid time to actually buy a home, but that's a generalization and untrue for Tom and myself, given we're in the land of cheap houses and our own current circumstances.

So there.  ツ

So still I search, then berate myself if in creeps disatisfaction for Hobbit Cottage. But oh my, how difficult at times to remain content, especially when houses like this one pop up:

This Suzy Homemaker would love playing house within all those Leave It To Beaver vibes.

Yet what I must remind myself, at least for now? 

It's possible to live a new way within your same old house. Or body. Or circumstances. It's just a matter of welcoming challenges, enjoying them, and stretching the imagination God gave you.

So there you go. 

There's more to What I Did On My Summer Vacation, but I wanted to check-in and let you know I'm still here--

--and still happy, even while watching what this world's become. Why? Because with all my heart, I believe God has tremendous good changes soaring our way--and they'll arrive soon.

Just you watch. And prepare. And in the meantime, live in much wisdom and joy.

(Coming soon to a Country near you!)

" ... for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content."   --- Ephesians 4:11


Speaking of living a new way in an old house ... After Tom, for the 50th time, placed his dirty dishes in the clean dishwasher, I ordered one of these magnets:

Anything to make one's life easier is a lovely thing!


Another of my vacation projects? Having grown tired of grabbing any ol' cough drop wrapper, torn paper or piece of string handy, I'm placing a bookmark in each of my 400+ books. 

(You should've seen the little pile of trash I removed from the books on my shelves so far. heh.)

I've used all my current bookmarks so I found and bought these 100 prayer cards which will arrive soon. (Gee, I enjoy projects like this one!)--

(Just now discovered a different set of 200 here, although the comments aren't exactly positive on these.)


There's more, but that's enough for now. Remember, keep your joy and your strength will never leave you!

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I was wondering what happened and I really did miss you posts I but I am glad you had a staycation. I took a very mini vacation to Leavenworth, Washington for a one night stay in a sweet rustic Barvarian lodge all by myself. It was a quiet time alone gift from my son.

    I love the pictures of the houses you like and I hope you find the perfect one that fits your needs. Thanks for your encouraging posts.

  2. Hi Debra! Yes, of course I missed you very much but I figured there was a reason you were missing. I haven't posted since last Thursday because life is hectic right now. We have three of Dennis's cousins and his uncle here for a few nights. Saturday I'm hosting a brunch for all of the family that is around this area so they can all see each other. Everyone is in bed right now but me. It's the first chance I've had to be online all day.
    I really, really enjoyed reading about your staycation. We are actually going to take a trip to Spokane with our camper with a few stops along with way in the Black Hills of S.D. and in Montana to see our son and grandkids. We're hoping for safety from the dreaded c-virus but refuse to just stop living. If the Lord decides it's time for us to go home to Him, so be it!
    I do like that sweet house you found online. I would love an older house too, but Dennis just sees all of the work with plumbing and electric. I really don't care for this house that we bought next door to Mom but when you have to live next door, there isn't much choice. It's ideal for taking care of her and yet giving her some independence too. I just dislike this house style.
    Thank you for the prayer card links. I definitely will be checking them out. The perfect little something to tuck inside a gift too.
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. Laughing heartily at your wonderfully humorous way of putting things! By the way, I'm getting really good at staycations myself!
    I cringed just thinking of all the pieces of paper I use to mark my place in's not that I don't have a real bookmark or two, but I tend to grab the first paper I see and proceed to write notes all over it which then have to be interpreted, sorted, and employed or destroyed!
    Soldier on, my friend! 😉

  4. I've missed you Debra! Aren't staycations lovely?!! I'm at a point in life where I can honestly say I don't yearn to travel much anymore. Hubby and I were talking about vacations, recently, and couldn't remember the last time we took a "real" vacation, and I don't see one on the horizon.

    Glad you're still wide open to whatever home God decides to put you in. That's the best way to live. The days are going by so quickly, before we know it, we will be moving on up to heaven. I'm not trying to rush things along, but I do enjoy thinking about heaven. It will be perfect!

  5. Yes, you were absolutely missed!! So happy though that you enjoyed your staycation. Oh, and I loved the pic of the "Bookcation", I have to admit that I've been on bookcation for at least 3 weeks now but that soon will come to an end. I have a Kindle and got 3 free months of Kindle Unlimited and it expires this coming week.

    Have an awesome day and again, thank you for sharing your perspective on things, I so enjoy reading your posts. (Hugs)

  6. Lori--I really appreciate that you said you missed me. Thank-you! Oh and Leavenworth! Tom, Naomi and I drove through there many years and it was breathtaking. What a perfect place in which to spend some alone time and I'm happy you were able to do that.

    Betsy--thanks to you, also, for your kind words! The Bible verse cards are great, both sets. True the second set occasionally leaves off a letter, but hardly ever and it's not enough to whine about as folks did in the comments. heh. You've been so busy lately and I hope you're still enjoying your vacation and time spent with family.

    Rebecca--I'm glad my writing makes you chuckle--we must be kindred spirits! :) Glad to hear someone else just grabs things at hand for bookmarks, also! :)

    Pam--thanks for saying you'd missed me! And like you, I often think of Heaven these days. In fact, it's looking more and more like Tom and I will be in this same ol' house till we leave this planet so really, thinking about my heavenly home has made me way more patient. :) Thanks again!

    Debi--I appreciate that you'd missed my posts! I always like hearing from you, Debi. Thank-you for reading here!

    Thanks, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.