Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Is It September Yet???

"The joy of the Lord is my strength..."   Nehemiah 8:10  (Certainly in July!)


Good. Gracious. Blame it on July, you know, my absence from here this time. 

The heat, the humidity, even with air conditioning they turn my head to fluff. I can't focus, can barely do more than sit beneath the living room ceiling fan and read or watch Youtube.

Every July I dream of September.  

Yesterday morning, though, had a rare, delicious cold bite in the air and oh, the hope, the normalcy I felt and the tasks I accomplished! What an encouragement, yesterday.

Anyway, July, too, shall pass and meantime? I list gratitudes, crawl forward (it seems) and tackle my To Do Lists when I can, even in slow motion.

Really, July turns me into a 99 year old zombie. 

Stretching beyond one's apathetic temptations to quit--it counts. Using God's strength instead of hiding, complaining, probably means more to Him than we can fathom. He equips us so we need not quit.

All that we do and become upon Earth matters! God has specific plans for us, ways He meant for us to help the world go 'round.

"Fix what can be fixed and do it joyfully even in July!" I tell myself when I'm tempted to be like this-- 

"You can do all things with Christ, after all."


"And Debra encouraged herself in the Lord Her God..."  (Tweaked from 1 Samuel 30:6) 

"If you falter in a time of trouble, how small is your strength!"   (Proverbs 24:10)     .....................yikes!

Since God 'makes a way where there is none', He is wholly capable of keeping me from dreading July (or August) and instead, enjoying the days because of--foremost--enjoying Him.


In other news ...

Six weeks ago Naomi found a job she loves and I'll mention it here in case it interests my job-searching readers.

She works for our local supermarket chain, part-time (Monday through Thursday), weekly visiting different stores. Daily she and her team are assigned a supermarket aisle (or two) then they cull the discontinued items and any others past their 'best before' dates.

They remove the remaining items, wipe down the shelves, dust the items and either return them to their original place or rearrange everything. 

Because she's like her mom, Naomi enjoys removing dust, rearranging things, turning the labels forward just so and in straight lines, etc.  ツ

Besides making new friends, she's able to purchase lots of items on huge markdowns throughout the stores. She shares these with us and her co-workers who also love great deals.

Spiffy, right? 


Oh, and guess what? Monday marked my 18th year of blogging. Wow. What an adventure, this means of communication and teaching. 

As always, I do thank each of you for so faithfully reading what (I hope, anyway) God shares through me.



With all that July does to me, I surely did need to read (and apply) these!


Have you watched Homestead Tessie's Product Reviews channel yet? I'm really enjoying these, especially since she inspires me to make updates around my house.


Also, I appreciate many styles of decorating, including this one which was fun to watch---


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Don't know how I missed this post, Debra, but I did! A belated Happy 18th Anniversary. I thank God for your blog. May you continue on, with His help, for many more years.

    Naomi's job sounds like fun to me. I like that type of work, too. You can see your progress immediately.

  2. Pam--thank-you so much for expressing your congratulations! Only two other friends did so and well, I guess it made me a little sad, mostly because I regularly teach here that we should voice our encouragement to others. Or maybe I only think I teach Anyway, God bless you much for your thoughtfulness! I so appreciated it. Blessings, Debra


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