Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The December Rebel

"For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God."   --- Romans 8:14


Man, I'm so predictable.

Always, the first two weeks of December I find myself thinking:

Maybe I should go on a diet.
I should read more books.
Crafting. I should get back to crafting.
I should start a new (big) project.
Maybe I should rearrange furniture.

Anything except, "I should prepare for Christmas!"  ツ

But then December 14th (or so) rolls around and I become all, "Yikes! Less than two weeks till Christmas. Address some Christmas cards! Buy  gifts online! Hurry!

Sigh. Anyone else do that?  

I try to enjoy December, really, I do. But no, always I'll prefer the remaining 11 months. I love those months! And I love my life, that is, except for December, for reasons I don't even know except for maybe this: I prefer to give to others as God leads, not as the calendar (and the world) tell me.

I far, far prefer being led, not driven.

What a rebel. シ

"But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him."   ---1 John 2:27

"It is December, and nobody asked if I was ready."
--- Sarah Kay

When we allow Jesus to meet our needs, we're then much more free (and have much more time) to give to others.


 Oh! And I forgot to mention how we lost the Internet for 29 hours due to high winds and now a million twigs are all over our yard---but I'd much rather talk about this:

Oddly, never before yesterday had I thought to search Youtube videos for folks who love to talk about books. I'm. So. Slow.

I watched a couple then, oh! I found Ariel's: Purging Hundreds of Books Because I'm Moving. 

Now, she's just 26 and we don't share the same taste in books, and yet? I enjoyed just listening to her speak. (Some things cannot be explained.)

Then I became curious. This was a video from October 2020, so had she, since, included videos of her new home?

Oh my, yes! In fact, Ariel changed the whole trajectory of her vlog and now shares how she's redecorating her 160-year-old home in Nova Scotia. 

Wow, color me mesmerized! All these early morning hours (since 4:30) I've devoured these videos, below, and one delightful thing? What a difference in Ariel now. A creative new energy bursts from her, having bought her first house and while she dives into her creative-dream-come-true. 

Happy sighs all around for Ariel and for me, even, that I can relive a few decades of my own joys of rampant creativity with paintbrushes, hammers and my trusty aluminum ladder.


Okay, now this was encouraging to watch:


Some things to make you smile:

This is why I've always loved my job as a homemaker--it fits this bill exactly! --


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. *** "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I had to laugh at that last photo. We've gone out two nights this week to look at Christmas lights and oh my! Some people have decorated every. single. inch of their houses and lawns.
    I like the homemaking one too. :-) I feel much like that too.
    I've gotten so tired of the buy, buy, buy of Christmas. Dennis and I were talking last night about it. I made the majority of the gifts this year. Next year I plan to begin early and make them ALL. One gift per person, plus their Christmas tree ornament I make them every year. I hope they will remember the reason we're celebrating and it's not about stuff.
    Have a great day Debra!

  2. December usually ends up feeling like two months crammed into one. We're still getting settled from our move, and I told the kids that we'd gather for Christmas Day, and we're keeping it ultra simple. I even bought disposable plates. I'm making lasagna, and who needs to scrape cheese off plates on Christmas??? Life is short. Hubby and I have asked the kids not to buy us big gifts, and we've started giving them money. We buy gifts for our grand girl, since she's young and loves ripping the paper. Watching her open gifts will be the highlight of our day. I'm just thankful to have family and friends who celebrate the birth of Jesus!


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