Friday, December 17, 2021

So If Your December Isn't Busy Enough ...

"Be still and know that I am God."   --- Psalm 46:10


Ol' Debra's experiencing another transitional time. Not fun, but hey, necessary, this in-between time of pausing before a new thing shows me its face.

So while in this  sort-of waiting room, I'm browsing through Youtube (mostly), searching for interest-sparking ideas. Perhaps one will open an unseen door to what God has for me ahead.

Sometimes we're meant to stand and wait, other times, to seek and then find, but always--we never wait alone. Not alone-alone, anyway, and that's a best part of transition times: growing closer to the One who sits beside us.

Today's post? Just a few places I've traveled lately, some which gave me peeks of (maybe) what's up the road for me in 2022 (a year I'm anticipating, actually). 

Perhaps some of you need a few glimpses/ideas now, also. So well, here you go--some lovely places to peruse.

My Summer Reading Aesthetic  I'm an annoyingly picky reader, so watching her recommendations today was a rare treat: some have promising potential!

Victorian House Tour, First Floor  I've viewed a few Victorian remodels where far too much white was used, but this lady? Wow, perfect color choices in every single room. Oh my, to be young again and decorator-strong this side of Heaven. ツ

Christmas in the 1960's, Life In America  Sometimes in looking back we can decide if something's missing in our Today--then add our own tweaked version.

A First Story Home Tour of the Home Alone House  Okay, this was a very personal early Christmas gift, something for which I've waited 30 years(!) Made my whole week.

This Is How The Elder Rose From The Titanic Looked When She Was Young  Another treat I enjoyed for the vintage-ness of it all.

Top Ten Guardian Angel Stories You Won't Believe  In an earlier blog post I told my own guardian angel story and I always enjoy hearing others.

Local Hero Jim Finch Drove Out To Kentucky's Tornado-Hit Residents To Offer Food  How inspiring when people just get up and do something helpful!


And as I shared at Facebook:

God's had a specific plan all along in 2021 and frankly? I'm very excited about 2022!


Two books I'm enjoying rereading from my personal library--

(One dark, wind-and-rain-shaking-windows night in 1993, I sat in our kitchen reading a similar shipwreck book beneath a small pool of light. My stockinged feet gripped the baseboard heater and I fell in love with New York state that night. Truly our recent move was a longtime dream come true.)

(Usually I prefer kids lit. written before 1970, but this much-newer series reads like books from long ago. It takes place in a snowy winter and probably this is my 4th time reading this.)


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. You have so many good ideas. I plan to keep my hands busy knitting for others at the hospital and also mittens for the school kids. There is always enough to keep my mind busy. I watch lots of Youtube while knitting too.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. Just stopping by to say "hi" and to let you know that though I've been quiet lately, I have been thinking of you and want to with you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy & Blessed 2022! (Hugs)

  3. It's going to be interesting to see what God has in store for you, Debra. You are no stranger to transition, that's for sure! I tend to like my same old routine, so when Change comes knocking at my door, I'm not always thrilled. God knows what we need, though, and I've learned to trust Him more than myself. Merry Christmas to you, Tom and Naomi.
    BTW, thanks for the great links. I always enjoy them!!

  4. Betsy--knitting at this time of year sounds like such a warm thing to do! You always make such beautiful things.

    Debi--I love that you dropped by to wish me a Merry Christmas and to let me know you'd been thinking about me! That means so much. The very same to you and may your 2022 be so special.

    Pam--Merry Christmas to you, also, my friend! And thanks for letting me know you enjoy the links. We seem to be on the same page about those kinds of things--yay!

    Thanks so much, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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