Monday, July 26, 2021

Where They Went To See A Movie, 17 Years Blogging and a Giveaway

“It’s in giving that we receive.”
— Prayer of St. Francis


So Sunday marked my 17th year of blogging, but unlike other years, I didn't feel like writing about it that day. (Hmm.)

Instead, Tom and I drove to our local theater to see Black Widow. Enjoyable, the entire experience; the getting out of the house, the not needing masks, the young, willing-to-work staff, the comfy seats, and the new 'Screen X' which gave us a 270 degree view of this fun new film.

And oh, the wonder of the whole excursion feeling so deliciously normal.

Sheesh, nearly 3 years had passed since visiting our theater(!) Now, technically we'd planned to, last year, watch A Quiet Place 2 there, but we all know what 2020 did to movie theaters.

Why on Earth would ol' Tom and Debra wish to see a scary film like A Quiet Place 2?! It was filmed super-locally. That's why.  シ

You can imagine all the local news chatter back then about who-spied-whom, who saw the film crew in a diner, etc. Then the movie trailers got Tom and me excited: "That's the bridge we've crossed tons of times!" "There's Main Street in Akron!", etc.

Finally, after a year of waiting, we watched A Quiet Place 2 free at home (via a trial sign-up). Holding my iPad, this site explained where each scene was filmed (we'd visited many), but I squealed when I discovered the baseball field was in the town where we'd lived 15 years.

Wow. So cool, right? (Well, hopefully some of you won't think me too overly groupie-like.)

Anyway, back to the theater. Why even drive to movie theaters these days when we all have big screen tv's and comfortable couch's? 

For me, it's because I'd truly hate to be, like, 80-years-old and with a shaky voice telling young folks, "In the old days, we'd go out on dates to places called 'theaters'. We'd sit all cozy-close in a large dark room and watch movies on a huge screen and feel like we were there! Up on the screen, you know, there amongst the action. But, sadly, theaters disappeared long ago."

With our senior discount (aging does have its advantages), we spent only $18, total, which to us, seemed cheap. And you know? We were happy to pay it, to sow that money as a seed. A sustaining one. To do our part in keeping a good thing going awhile longer.

After all, it is in giving that we receive and you know? Ever since Tom and I began viewing all money-spending (yes, all) as opportunities to help other people, we've noticed a huge difference in our finances.

We now always have enough for what truly matters.

"Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”   ---Luke 6:38

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."   ---2 Corinthians 9:7

Movie theaters aren't your thing? Then I would ask, what is your thing and are you supporting it so that it will continue?


Seventeen years of blogging!

And as always, how kind of God to custom-make a way for me to 'share my letter to the world' (to steal a line from Emily D.). No more perfect way to minister, connect and encourage could there exist for me, on this scale, anyway.

Well, not that I currently know of.

And also as always, an extremely-huge thank-you to each of you who read here year after year after year. Oh my! Your faithfulness blows my mind and I appreciate each of you.

And to reward that consistency? I'll be giving away three $25 online gift cards from Amazon. Just leave a comment here or at Facebook or email me at to be entered.

I'll hold the drawing on Thursday, July 29th, 2021 then I'll contact you if you've won (if I know how to reach you) or will contact you via another blog post that day. 

Thanks again so much, Everyone!


And just for fun...   Here are some lovely old bookplates. It's always a surprise to receive a book in the mail with one of these on the inside!



Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Oh congrats Debra! That is a long time! You are so sweet to do a giveaway. You have given me so much- spiritual support, good book/ movie reviews (just started Calico Year), prepper pushes, and so much more! Thank you!

  2. Good for you, going to a movie. It's been about 2 years since we went to one, but Dennis doesn't really enjoy them. My last one was when my sister visited me in Spokane.
    Congrats on your Blogaversary! That's even longer than me! Ha! We're getting ready to leave for London. Now that's exciting. Except it took our Covid tests two days to get to the lab. Now we have to have them in 24 hours and they're saying it could be 72 hours. Oops. Wonder what happens if we arrive in London without the results? We're going to attend a wedding and it will be fun times. We're also planning some trips to Stonehenge and a few other places that I've seen but Dennis hasn't.
    Talk to you soon.
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. Seventeen years!! Congratulations!! That's amazing!

  4. Congratulations Debra! You have been such a consistent blogger and truth-teller. Your posts are appealing to me because you share the ups and downs of real life, but always have a super-sized dose of hope built on your faith in God. Exactly what we need! Thank you for every word you've written. You've encouraged me, given me many smiles, and educated me. Sending big hugs. May God continue to inspire you and bless you, Tom, and Naomi.

  5. Debra, I'm not commenting just because of the giveaway but truly did want to congratulate you on your blog anniversary. Happy 17th Anniversary and THANK YOU for being so faithful.

    I still am reading, just don't comment a lot as I just get overwhelmed too often with everything and then I get nothing done (even simple things like writing a response to a Facebook message or a comment on a blog just seem like too much to do at the time.)

    Still, I read and I appreciate. I'm glad you and Tom got to go to the theater, I can't even remember what year it was that I have last went to one but am pretty sure I haven't been to one since the late 80's!

    Have a great day!


  6. Congratulations on your blogiversary, Debra! (You don't need to include me in the giveaway because I no longer do Amazon and won't ever use it again.) I have not been to a theater since the early 1980s, for one, I need that money for basic everyday life... two, I'm just not interested in going. // I have some old books that have some pretty neat bookplates inside... one is my stepmom's Bible (she died in 2012) -- I really treasure that book! And I have several books from the late 1800s with some unusual and fun bookplates. Such an interesting item, eh! Blessings to you Debra!


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.