Thursday, July 29, 2021

By Popular Request: An Extra This And That.

"Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God."   ---Hebrews 13:16


1.) Oh. My. Goodness. This young woman took over her parents' lease on their NYC apartment (where she grew up) and did an amazing job in redecorating!

Wow, congrats to her. If I had to live in NYC this is the way I would choose. (Tom and I could easily live in a lovely place this size.)

2.)Am I watching the Olympics? Nah. 

Decades ago I did though, especially gymnastics (being a former gymnast, myself), but one day it's as though poof! 'All wind left my sails' and I no longer cared, even about ice skating(!)

People do change, you know.  Nothing wrong with that, either. ツ

3.) Remember that stack of books I plan to keep till the day before Heaven? Here's another one:

                           The hard-to-read titles are The Better Country and Chicken Every Sunday.

4.) Last late-autumn, for the first time, ever--rather than toss my outdoor hanging impatiens plant--I carried it inside and babied it over the winter.

It survived! Wow, shocking. And how nice to just, poof! Carry it outside again, rather than purchase another for my Prayer Garden. 

Don't you hate it when you should have thought of something decades earlier? But, "Patience," I say. Why spend my later years kicking myself down the road's end?

5.) Am I still addicted to Cash Jordan's New York City real estate videos? Oh my, yes. Talk about fun, relaxing and an enjoyable way to tour NYC. He's a delight. Cash takes me for walks and subway rides and I feel as though I got out of the house. heh.

6.) Okay, you won't believe this, but in the past 2 years I've flung away 960+ items from our home(!)

Seriously. This aiming at giving/throwing away 10 items per week has worked amazingly well. The only rather hard part? Barely can I see a decluttered difference 'round here. Uh-oh.

But hey! The decluttering records I've penned on our calendar pages assure me of progress, even if no one else can yet spy it. So it's okay. (A lesson is there somewhere.)

7.) Do I ever wish we had two bathrooms? Uh, no. 

Barely can I keep the one we have, clean. Fortunately I've read that some other neat-freak-ish folks have this problem. They, like me, happily keep the rest of the house tidy, but oh, the annoyance of cleaning the bathroom.

Glad I'm not the only one and again, I'm forever thankful we have just one bathroom. Whew. ツ

8.) Speaking of books--oh dear! Just as I'm crazy-decluttering them (over 200 gone lately), Joyce Meyer's ministry sent me 5 of her books as a yearly gift. I chuckled at the irony, of course.

I'll read these, though, and you know? They'll be perfect to pass along to other folks via Salvation Army. Perfect.

9.) Oh! And if you're signed up for my blog's email alerts, something will need to change. Blogger is doing away with this feature at July's end (darn), so I'm currently searching for an alternative.

More accurately, I've discovered one, but have procrastinated looking into it for many weeks. Many. Weeks. Sigh.

Update: Hooray! I did it. You'll need to sign up again to receive email notifications, but it should be easy. Go to the top of my right-hand column, add your email in the box, then click 'subscribe'. You'll be sent an email with a 'confirm' button.

Easy (crossing my fingers this works!).

10.) And lastly--drum roll .......  The 3 winners of my 17th blogiversary give-away drawing are:


Congratulations! And a special thanks to all who played along. (Debi could you please send me your email address at Thanks.)

Oh, and yes, okay. I, also, am not a huge fan of Amazon, but here's what I remind myself: thousands of small, one-or-few-persons businesses make their living via Amazon and I am all about supporting small business.

Our current world? It's not always as black and white as we like to suppose (but boy oh boy, when I was young did I ever believe it was!).  ツ

Anyway. Again, congrats to the winners and I do thank each of you who congratulated me on 17 years of blogging!

Saw something like this the other day: It's one thing to 'move on', but it's another, better thing, to 'move forward'. At first I thought, "Semantics?' But then, no. It's deeper than that. And true.

And here's another free and fun link for you: a Seals and Crofts playlist. My oh my, I've listened to this nearly everyday lately.


Never forget!

And while you're at it, this is also terrific to remember:

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Although I'm a farm girl, I think I could live quite happily in that NY apartment. Yes, the young woman did a great job! I especially liked that it was rent controlled, so she could actually afford it on her teacher salary.

    To give away over 960 items is amazing! Good for you, Debra! I know I haven't even come close to that number, but I'm donating some things that I never thought I'd part with--and it makes me happy.

    A great big thank you, for the Amazon gift card!!! Debra, years ago, my daughter told me about reading blogs online, and yours was the very first blog I ever read. I don't remember how I found you, but I believe God had a hand in leading me to you. Your posts have blessed me in many, many ways. Thank you!

  2. Pam--thanks so much! Really! And that's wild that my blog was the first one you read. Love that. You are such an encouragement to me and I appreciate how I can count on receiving your comments. Oh, and I'm glad you also liked that young woman's apartment. Wasn't she talented? I've watched the video a few times now and always come away inspired. Thanks again! Blessings, Debra


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