Thursday, April 22, 2021

Back From A Vacation For The Mind

"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success."   ---Joshua 1:8


Since it's become a rather intense world out there (cough, cough), guess who needed one more week of vacation?  ツ

I raked a million leaves, rearranged perennials in the flower beds (and then it snowed). Climbed a ladder so to hang a shiny, swirly thing from the outdoor garage light because guess where the robins chose to build their new drippy nest before the blue jays took over?  (@#$%$#)

I read old books. Novels packed with good, brave people from a world I recognize more than our current one. Watched tv shows like Leave It To Beaver and movies from Pureflix (or other places), just anything not pushing current agendas as though I was born last week and know nothing true.

More than my body, my mind required a rest. I spent less time online and more moments staring out windows to the river and bird feeders, listening to God and making up my own mind about Today's nonsensical happenings.

I considered contentment and adventure, how to swirl them together at my current age and in present circumstances. I let my mind wander both backward and forward, held onto ideas (and items) which still work and released what no longer does.

Well, you get it. Mostly I reminded myself of "whatsover things are pure, true and of a good report" and reaffirmed my belief of this:

Many folks are using their faith to believe for only more gloom, but not me! No, I'm choosing to count on examples of God's goodness so huge, so surprising, we've never even beheld them before.

Godly anticipation! Color me all smiley-dancing with godly anticipation.

Evil lasts for a season. God and His love and joy last forever.

"Know thyself."  Learn to recognize when you need a rest and then freely give yourself permission to take a break, to do what you enjoy, what rejuvenates you.

"We all experience aging differently. I have noticed that I need more quiet time now than I once did. If too many things are going on around me at one time, I can begin to feel mildly overwhelmed or confused, so I have made adjustments, and I don’t feel bad about myself because I need to make them." ---Joyce Meyer


As Tom and I watched yet one more PureFlix film, I smiled and told him, "Funny how not once have I watched these and thought, "Gee, I miss hearing bad language and seeing unmarried characters in bed together.'"  シ

More movies we both enjoyed:

Oh, and if you have the Roku channel did you know all the original Leave It To Beaver episodes are there?

Many are also available at Youtube, but the filming comes out odd in places, as though some scenes are shown through a magnifying glass. Er hem.


Here are more of the books I've reread lately:

How grateful I am for books full of generous, brave, independent and sane people!

But the snow we received after a month of gardening? Not so grateful for that. Er hem.


Please remember: My posts are ALWAYS about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Hello Debra:
    I have found myself watching much, much, much more news than I normally do. Well, I guess that's not hard because I try very hard NOT to watch anything except the local weather forecast. :-) dear MIL watches it all day long and I'm trying to look after her so I am inundated with it too. I try to ignore it as best I can and crochet, knit or do some cleaning so as not to become depressed with the state of the world. I know that it will become more and more evil in the last days, but I want to concentrate on and glorify the One who will save me from that evil and walk beside me every step of the way.
    We also got that lovely burst of winter on Monday. It's been chilly all week but we're actually supposed to be back into the 50's here in Nebraska tomorrow. I'm looking forward to that.
    Keep up the good fight. Always concentrating on the Author and Perfector of our Faith.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. This was wonderful to read. Ahh...truth.

    I recently watched Risen on PureFlix. It was so good!

  3. Debra, I'm glad you're taking care of yourself. Sometimes our minds, spirits and bodies just need a break. It was interesting to read Joyce Meyer's quote on the changes she has made (she's amazing--I looked up her age and she's 77 and still so vibrant). Hubby and I are in the process of selling our family farm and moving to our little place near our daughter and her family. We haven't done anything this strenuous in many years and we sure feel it. We're trying to give ourselves days of rest and that helps to restore us, Praise God!

  4. I know someone will say well just clean it up! I need help from you or even your commenters. I have a room thatdearately needs to be organized. It is full of stuff I would like to keep. The rest of the house is neat.

    About 15 years ago my mother was ill and after 11 years she passed. Needing full time care during those years. At first my daughter helped with the barn. We took a large dumpster and tossed things that were bad in one way or another or just trash. Then took stuff out of house not needed and had an auction. We have spent every vacation time working on getting rid of or passing on stuff. Millions of papers to go. Through.

    Now I have this one room left. I’m just numb with it all. Any ideas? Thankyousomuch. We may move in the next few years and in my late 60s I sure can’t go through stuff then. Low on energy. For anyone that has ideas. Bless you!

  5. Yikes, Betsy! I'm so sorry to hear you're exposed to the news so much. Praying God will comfort your mind. <3 Glad you're able to help your mother in law, though, and that you're settling in well in your new home!

    Sandi--thanks for the movie recommendation! I'll have to check that one out.

    Pam--Yes! Joyce Meyer is so amazing. No one else has influenced me as much as she has. What a wonderful example she's been to me these past 25 years.

    Rita--oh my! What a huge job. Well, here's what's worked for me over the past couple years: each week I try to get rid of just ten things. Sometimes it's 20 because it's often just a matter of getting started, then I want to do more. It's usually a combination of throwing things away and/or carrying them in a bag down to the Salvation Army drop-off near us. On the calendar I keep track, like, I'll come home and write: 21st week of getting rid of ten things (I started over this year. Earlier, I'd gotten up to 52 weeks.) It always feels great to come home and write down my latest progress! Hope this helps: it's been such a wonderful way to declutter for me, slow but steady, and all that. :) Best wishes to you in your endeavor!

    Thanks so much, Everyone! Blessings, Debra

  6. Thank you I am happy to have a new way to work at things without feeling a little crazy about it. I hope to let you know how I am doing. Thank you again for helping.


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