Thursday, April 15, 2021

Aging. Sigh.

"Do not let your heart become troubled... --John 14:1


Long story, but this morning I shoved my office furniture from 'the cat's room' back to the guest room and now guess who feels absolutely decrepit (and resembles a zombie)? 

And who, also, is scheming to drag all (annoying,it's-all-too-much!) bits of clutter down to the Salvation Army drop-off?


Being in one's 60's is not for wimps. Especially when one begins reaping from the whirlwind she has sown over decades (er hem).

Anyway, if I'm going to survive this with both grace and humor, I (desperately) need to read Joyce Meyer's latest book:

But sheesh, I keep forgetting to order it. (The old grey mare's memory ain't what it used to be, either.)

Yet this week while moving bricks around in the yard(!), I realized this: only by following Grace will I, from now on, accomplish what must be done. The days are gone when I can successfully carry out my own ideas in my own strength.

I'm glad. Reaching a helplessness apart from God's mighty spirit, grace and wisdom became my goal way back in 1994.

"Without Me you can do nothing."  --John 15:5

I love that. To live any other way, repulses me, I mean, do things on my own? Feel that tiny rush of pride? Ugh. Horrible.

And yes, God realizes "I am but dust". But what He also knows, remembers? Every single hour of work, lessons, experience and grace He poured into me over decades. Thousands of hours!

For such a crazy, unpredictable year as this one, this 2021, He equipped me--and you--early. Or tried. (Man, sometimes I feel sorry for God having to deal with stubborn folks like myself.)

And now may none of us waste those thousands of lessons nor miss the specific plan He imagined for us. May we not hide like scared cats or allow ourselves to become overwhelmed into do-nothings. 

Truly "it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Lord." Oh, the responsibility of listening, then living-out all He pours into us for such times as these.

To finish our journey well!

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."   ---Galations 2:20

Just two examples why I follow Grace?

She tells me the best time to begin a task. She knows when my energy is at its peak and when I'll not be interrupted.
And right before I become too tired (and likely to injure something) she says, "Stop now! Yes, even before you're finished."


Lately these much-loved books from my home library have given me wonderful encouragement. Now after I start whining, I recall how crazy-tough these women from the 1800's had it. And I hush. 

Need inspiration of your own? It's out there waiting for you to find it!


Rare photo of stork delivering baby.  シ

Please remember: My posts are ALWAYS about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. The Lantern in Her Hand is one of my all time fave books! But I have never read any of the others- checking ebay/ abe now. Being also of a certain age, I look forward to hearing about Joyce's new book. Anything to help!

  2. Being in my sixties myself, 61 to be exact, I know exactly what you speak of. I've been in our new, (older), house 8 days now and I feel like it's taken forever to clean it. Basically a room a day. That's it. I try and try to get more done but then I pay for it. Yesterday I cleaned the carpet in the family room. That was it. The day before I mopped all of the hardwoods on the main floor. That was it. The day before I scrubbed down a bathroom from top to bottom and all cabinets. That was all. The days are over when I didn't have to pace myself if I wanted to get out of bed the next day!
    I love pioneer history. Having lived in the midwest and west, I've visited many of the sites that those, (pioneer) books are set in. That time period always fascinates me but I'm very thankful for my washer/dryer and indoor plumbing!
    Wishing a a wonderful Friday full of blessings from the Lord. Keep shining your light forth my friend.

  3. Oh Debra, truly I understand feeling "absolutely decrepit!" I just celebrated my 67th birthday a few weeks ago, and I'm here to tell you the body changes. Since we've been helping care for our granddaughter (she's nearly 30 lbs now) I've been building my strength due to picking her up and getting up and down to play with her. But when I tried to prune an overgrown yew hedge two days ago, I paid for it. I only let myself work on the shrubs for one hour (I thought I was being so wise...) but I couldn't even form a fist the next morning. I thought I'd need a straw to drink my much-needed coffee. Lord have mercy on all of us as we grow older and change, and He does have all the mercy we need. I must make plenty of room for Grace to reside with me. It's the only way!! Great post, Debra! You know how much I appreciate your honesty.


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