Friday, December 27, 2019

So At Age 11 I Had This Vision ... And Now 2020 Is Coming.

" Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut." "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."  ... Revelation 3:8, Isaiah 43:19


October 1, 1970. 

There I was on a revival night, age 11, walking down the church aisle, amongst many folks sitting upon benches, to accept Jesus into my heart. For years I'd longed to do this

Yet oh my, we super-shy girls. We paralyze ourselves with our please-don't-look-at-me thoughts.

But this time I asked God to move my foot into the carpeted aisle--and He did. Then suddenly, what the ? All people 'disappeared' and I was standing inside a dark cabin, one like those in popular 70's tv Westerns. There, but still in the aisle, I was in a room thick with dust and blackness. 

Yet on my right stood an opened door where outside--beauty! Sunshine gleamed upon springtime grasses and young trees. All beckoning me.

Oh, the difference between that dark cabin and outside. No comparison.

And instantly, within my heart, God interpreted all this: You are stepping from your shadowy old life into a bright new one with Me.

Then the cabin, doorway and park-like greenery faded away. I'd finished the steps to the front bench where my dad (the pastor) waited to pray with me.

Weird, right? That was the first vision God gave me. 

I've had others since, but never have I felt inside of one. Most visions God gives me simply feel like never-before-imagined scenes (ones too clever for my own limited mind to create, trust me).

Why share that story? This December month I keep recalling that cabin with its bright opened door.

2020, the term for clear vision, is coming! A whole new decade to live closer to God. To see Him clearly move amongst us. In a newness of Life.

Or we can keep slouching in our dark cabins--

Cabins of Worry. Cabins of Fear of New Things.
The Complaining and Lack of Gratitude Cabins.
Cabins of Legalism Disguised as Truth.
The God's-Not-Greater-Than-My-Sadness Cabins.

And more such places.

But me? I'm choosing to step outside of this 2019 door into gleaming new life. And to participate with God as He does a new thing, perhaps like this--

“‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh..."  ... Acts 2:17

And whatever else that may bring(!)

And today may we all leap outside of our past cabins, run our races and draw nearer to the very pulsating heart of God.

In 2020. And beyond. With much anticipation--and joy. Much. Joy.

"He whom the Son sets free is free indeed!"  ... John 8:36

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."   ... Hebrews 12:1

"Joy is energy."  

... Joyce Meyer (based on Nehemiah 8:10)

It's time for us to have answers available for those seekers with many questions!


Hooray! I'm able to pick up Family Life Radio upstairs. During the day I walk upstairs and smile as it plays its cool, godly songs.

You can listen online here!


"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. may the LORD continue to BLESS you and Tom … as you journey into the new year! ((hugs))

  2. This is such a great attitude for beginning a new year, a new decade, Debra. So many are terrified at what this new decade will bring and I admit, sometimes I let it get to me too. But with God all things are possible. He will be with me and be my protector whatever comes.
    Wishing you a wonderful new year, full of possiblities.

  3. Amen, Debra! There is a race to be run, and we can stand on the sidelines or step up and get ready. Life isn't always easy, but God is bigger than any mountain that might get in our way. Thank you for this challenging post, and I pray that each of us will allow Truth to make it real in our lives!

  4. Thank you for this ... I always love your years end posts of the upcoming new year. You are such an encouragement whether you realize it or not and I so appreciate it (and you!)

    Happy New Year to you and your family!

  5. Saija--thank-you so much for your blessing! And we pray for all God's very best for you and Leo in 2020 as well. <3

    Betsy--I am so excited for these next years and may God give you even more of a godly anticipation that He will show Himself strong through His people (and any other way He wishes!).

    Pam--thanks so much! I'm believing these next years will really show us even more how huge God is. Like you said, larger than any mountain!

    Debi--thank-you! Your comments always encourage me and may God bless you for t that in this upcoming 2020!

    Thanks so much, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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