Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Overflow

"Complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind."   ... Philippians 2:2


Remember my Youtube early morning 'classes'? Well, one of my favorite teachers said, "God loves Christmas!"

So, hey. That gave ol' sometimes-she's-scroogey-about-worldly-Christmas Debra, pause.  ツ

The teacher stated God loves Christmas because people put more effort into loving each other in December. They give. They remember God gave, also, and make a whole celebration of it.

Oh my. Guess who immediately changed her mind about Christmas? Didn't even hang her head in guilt, but rather, just, well, changed how she thought about it?

Then this weekend! I visited a Facebook page of our former town (just down the road) and wow! A woman's post stated her friend, a single mom, had no Christmas gifts for her 3 children. Her year had been so hard.

Well, you should have seen the following 200+ comments! Folks started crazy-stampede-giving out of love and just doing the right thing.

"I'll get the family a Christmas tree!"
"I'll donate ornaments!"
"What are the ages and clothing sizes of the children?"
"I'm shopping now at Walmart. What would the 11-year-old girl like?"
"I'd planned to sell new clothes online, but the family can have them."
"Do they need Christmas dinner? I've got an extra turkey."
"Where's the drop off place? I'll deliver some wrapped gifts there."

Oh my goodness. I got all teary-eyed and recalled how and why I'd loved that town for 15 years. Why Western New York has blessed my heart these 2 1/2 decades.

(The single mom commented, saying she'd felt so sad, was now embarrassed, but so grateful. That she's usually the one giving, but couldn't this year. Others chimed-in, saying, "Honey, we've all been there. Just be blessed!")

I really desired to give money to this family, but no method was given for that, plus, the drop-off time limit was in minutes. But God simply told me, "Wait. This family's needs were met. I'll give you a new opportunity soon."

The next morning, He did. 

There upon our red couch I saw our local news report that, on Saturday, a nearby family lost their entire home and possessions to fire. Immediately I got up, came here, looked up the news' website, found the story and yes! They'd included a link to a Go Fund Me page for the family.

And gladly I donated. And prayed. And thanked God for so soon providing an opportunity to give.

And oh how wonderful if God could say, "I really love how my people give so freely 24/7, 365 days a year!"

What a wonderful thing, world, that would be. Indeed. (Let's make this happen in 2020, ok?!)

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life. For God did not send His son to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved."   .... John 3:16,17

The merriest of Christmas wishes are being sent to my readers as you all enjoy and love the folks God's sent you!


Absolutely loved this. From last year. Darcy was 14.

  "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Amen! I loved reading how the community came around this single mom and her family. There are SO many opportunities to give if we just open our eyes. I love giving my knitting/crochet away. It's like wrapping someone in a gift of my love. The looks on the faces of the nursing home residents who many have forgotten, even their own family is too busy. They love the gift of time to sit and talk with them, not AT them. If we each gave something, money, time, talents, love...to just one person this year, wouldn't this world be a wonderful place? Thank you for the timely reminder dear Debra.
    Happy Christmas Eve!

  2. Merry Christmas Debra … I love the way Jesus celebrations bring out the joy ... I notice a difference in people … in a good way! … blessings on you guys in 2020

  3. What a wonderful Christmas post! I believe when we allow the Spirit to guide us, and when we open up our hearts and give as He instructs, we are most like Jesus. Isn't it amazing that the Spirit is everywhere, willing to lead each of us, if we're willing. As always, I appreciate your tender heart, Debra, and your commitment to sharing the Truth. I always look forward to reading your posts, and pray that God will continue to bless you, Tom, and Naomi. May you all enjoy a blessed Christmas! Love to all!!

  4. Merry Christmas Debra and thank you for the great post to have to read this morning. I was so sad about the house fire but so happy that you were able to give and also I loved how your old town that you used to live in really come together for that family. That was just AWESOME!

    Merry Christmas to those who read and comment on Debra's post after I do or if you've commented before and come back for some reason. Have a wonderful Christmas!

    Debi from Titusville, PA


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.