Monday, August 05, 2019

When a Simple Idea From God Changed Everything

"But David (and Debra) encouraged themselves in the Lord their God."   ... Tweaked from 1 Samuel 30:6  シ


(Before reading this, please know I'm praying for all involved with last week's horrific happenings. Oh my, how tempting to stay home even more than I already do! But I hardly think that's an idea from God for me, so I'll seek His peace and courage, instead.)

If you've read here long, you recall that Tom and I used to be Mr. and Mrs. Estate Sale. (Mr. and Mrs. Garage Sale, also). 

Over hill and dale (literally) we traveled to old barns, farmhouses and suburb homes with decor unchanged since the 1940's - 1970's(!) Good ol' Debra would return home carrying dusty trinkets and vintage decorating ideas spinning 'round her head.

Yet last Saturday? I finally accepted something I hadn't wanted to: my estate sale days are over. Phhht. Gone like other decades-long seasons God's nudged me to release lately.

Yes, sadly, my garage sale emails arrive with their photos of rooms/tables of items and I whisper, "What a bunch of junk stuff. It's all too much! And Hobbit Cottage has no more space." 

Man, even so, letting go of what you've enjoyed for decades is painful, right? Even if Grace left that room weeks before. 

Well, in the midst of my grumpiness ("Everything lately is being stripped away from me!"), God 'said', "Hey. Write a list of your seasons which still remain."

So I sighed, came here to the computer and actually wrote 3 lists: 

My Past Seasons Pretty Much Gone
My Present Seasons
Future Seasons to Consider

Now, the first list sounded all sulky, but the last two! Oh my, I came away encouraged, excited and kinda exhausted just reading these over:

My Present Seasons--

Follower of God
Mom of a Near-40-Year-Old
Keeper of the Home
Blogger/Rewriter of My Blog
Cafe Visitor Twice a Week
Reader of Books For Pleasure and Information
Encourager of Others
Facebook Contributer
Joyce Meyer Watcher/Bible Learner
Online Shopper
Small-Time Home Decorator
Gardener/Yard Keeper
Book Collector
Online Learner of Interesting Information
Learner of Improved Writing
Photographer/Learner of Better Photo Taking
Wardrobe Gatherer/Studier
Home Organizer/Declutterer 
Vintage Music Listener
Neighbor Greeter/Visitor
Pinterest Photo/Idea Gatherer/Sharer
Keeper of Cats
TV Watcher/Documentary Learner
Ready For Anything/Stock-Up Prepper
Home Food Delivery Orderer

Future Seasons to Consider--

Dollhouse Decorator
A More Faithful Hospitality Person
Crafter of New-To-Me Projects
Walker Around the Neighborhood
Car Show Visitor
Concert Attender
Museum Visitor

Wow, what was I complaining about?! Tons of delightful seasons remain and who knows what I even forgot to list?

The sadder part of all this is:  My concentration upon what I'd lost had blinded me to the treasures which still remain. 

Isn't it wild (and kinda pathetic) how we must be reminded (and reminded) of basic truths? Oh how patient God must be with us!

"Praise the Lord! Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! Who can utter the mighty deeds of the Lord, or declare all his praise?"   ... Psalm 106:1,2

“Always keep your head up, because if it’s down you won’t be able to see the blessings that have been placed in your life.”   ----- Anonymous

Your mission--should you choose to accept it--is to make a similar My Present Seasons list for yourself.  ツ
(You'll probably be as surprised and blessed as I was!)


Oh! And as of right this moment you can get another of Deb Raney's ebooks, free. Hooray!

(This offer is no longer valid, but feel free to check out Deb's cool books anyway!)


And this has nothing to do with anything, but it made me laugh aloud--

(Haven't we all been there?)  シ


Oh, and I'll probably attend the occasional future yard/estate sale, but never again as consistently as before. Technically, those days ceased 3 years ago.


"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. A good reminder for most of us Debra. I have been discouraged in the past year over health issues keeping me down. Now that some of that is a bit better, I need to look forward. Well, even if it hadn't gotten better, I need to look forward. :-)
    Wishing you a wonderful Monday as we both remember how God has blessed us today, even as we pray for others who are grieving right now.
    Blessings my friend,

  2. Debra, it was interesting to read about the changes taking place in your life. Thanks for sharing your list with us. It's amazing how much we change as time goes by. I've made some decisions lately, like cutting back on my gardening and keeping meals much simpler when I cook for the family. I used to feel forced to "keep up" with all that I'd done in the past, but now I know it's just not possible. So far, no one in my life seems the least bit disappointed. It sure feels good to get real--it's freeing. I'm going to accept your challenge and put pen to paper to actually write out my lists. As always, thank you for your encouragement!

  3. Thank you. Just thank you so much!

  4. Betsy--so glad you're able to look forward now! Let me know if you make a similar list. Mine, truly, has encouraged me, even now, days and days later.

    Pam--as always, we are so on the same page! Talk about changes.... whew. So many as we age, right? Now if we can just face each one bravely and positively, oh my. :)

    Kim--I so appreciate your letting me know this post was timely for you! Thank-you.

    Thank-you, Ladies.... Blessings, Debra

  5. Wonderful. You are such an amazing writer! Keep up the good work!


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