Thursday, August 08, 2019

August This and That

1.) Hooray! Though I'm not an official member of Instagram, I did, yesterday, discover Kim from Daisy Cottage's page! What a delight to view the updates from Kim's colorfully-sweet home and life.

(And what a relief to discover she'd not bailed out of the 'Net!)

2.) Now this was fun. My Amazon wish list contains mostly books, so I checked those books against ones available at Open Library and oh my!They have many and what a treat to read these books for free. 

After reading those, I can decide if I'd still prefer a paper copy for my shelves--or--if an Open Library copy is enough.

Don't you just love the Internet sometimes?  ツ

  Inside my head,this is how I picture the actual Open Library.シ

3.) And there at Open Library, I'm keeping a list of all books I've checked out. Already that's come in handy for later reference. 

4.) Remember our local cafe I walk to? Well, my small cup of coffee runs around $2.25 (and worth every penny. heh.). Not till 2 weeks ago did I notice that when patrol officers buy their medium-sized coffee, they pay only $1.08! 

Now, some folks would whine about that, but not me. Nope, I think it's marvelousSo there.  ツ

                  (Well, it's a beginning, anyway.)  シ

5.) For my fellow Rakuten (formerly Ebates) users: Have you noticed there's now just two ways to receive our Rakuten money? It's via their Big Fat Check or Paypal. I believe their b.f.c. is the default so if you, like me, never get to the bank any more, you may want to zip over to Rakuten and switch to the Paypal option.  

Just thought I'd mention that. (Lots of people were upset by the buy-out from Ebates, but hey. Isn't Life too short to live angry over what we cannot control? Especially while we're still receiving free money?)

6.) Oh! You simply must watch this again (I shared it way back in 2012). It's a video of the most inspiring blind quilter and if she can't shake us from our doldrums, no one can. (Thanks again, Wilma, for sharing this.)

7.) Need a homemade fabric refresher recipe? Here's one I've used all summer. It's supposed to keep cats from, er, doing evil things to your carpet and furniture, as well as repelling fleas, also:

Fill one average-size spray bottle 2/3 full of water (or less for a stronger scent) then add:

15 drops of rosemary essential oil
2 tbl.'s rubbing alcohol
6 drops of dish washing liquid

I like the scent of this and wow, I've used a ton of this stuff over the summer.

8.) Last weekend Tom and I watched the documentary,  A Tuba to Cuba. Interesting! If you enjoy stories about New Orleans, Cuba, jazz, happy people and bright colors, you might like this.

Oh! And when they first travel to Santiago, some background music played and Tom said, "That sounds like Ricky Ricardo music." Then suddenly I could just hear Desi Arnaz saying the word, "Santiago," so we paused the film, I ran to the computer and saw that, yes! He was born there. Cool!  シ  (We watched free via Amazon Prime.)

9.) In case you'd wondered, yes, even though my dream of a new house has died, I still daily peruse local real estate online. You know, for ideas. 😃 Well, you've got to check-out this yard-- they must have had some fun Hawaiian style parties, right?

Pretty spiffy!

10.) We're having a reasonably-warm (as opposed to ridiculously-hot) summer this year. I hope you are as well--what a difference some sane weather makes!

"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Oh I am over the moon you shared about Daisy Cottage. I LOVED her home. Thank you!

  2. Hi Debra,

    Thanks for sharing the recipe for your fabric refreshner! I've been buying Fabreeze and after awhile, that can add up to a lot of $$.

    A few years ago I did make my own with liquid fabric softener and water (can't remember now what the ratio was for the two) - I'm sure it was more water just don't remember how much more compared to how much softener. Is your recipe a light or a strong scent? I'm looking for one that will be noticeable and will last for awhile.

  3. Angela--oh good! I'm so happy you're as thrilled as I am to find Kim's Instagram photos. As I've mentioned here in my blog, I'm thinking my home in Heaven will be decorated like Kim's--that's how much I love it! :)

    Debi-- Well, the rosemary scented freshener doesn't have a strong scent, per se, but then, I'm not into strong scents, especially if they come from bad chemicals (oh my!) heh. :) For a liquid softener for laundry, I pour in a little vinegar then top it off with All 'Free and Clear' softener which gives the laundry a pleasant, but not strong scent. Hope these answer your questions and thanks for commenting!

    Thank-you, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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