Wednesday, February 20, 2019


"Gratitude. It's like a renewable energy source."



Sunday morning Tom and I both awoke with a mysterious not-horrible-but-still-tiresome sickness and finally this morning I'm feeling like good ol' Debra again.

Or nearly so. I'd hoped to return to the coffee shop today, but nah. Sloshing through the snow is still a bit beyond me. Darn.

But otherwise? Oh my. How wonderful when your strength returns and you can get back to work!

Yes, you read that correctly. 

Sometimes we forget that work is a blessing God gave us. It means something to Him. It matters. Hey, even the Bible says--

"... If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat."   ... 2 Thessalonians 3:10

And although I appreciated my time-off upon the guest bed and the red couch with God while watching favorite tv shows and being lazy, oh! How marvelous to return to--

paying bills,
organizing, etc.

No, seriously. 

Caring for, appreciating and washing the presents, the home, God lovingly gives me is a blessing. (Try viewing your possessions as presents unwrapped from God. Beneath the Gratitude Lamp, they glow.)

Some folks resent their housework(!), their jobs, but not me, especially now that my strength has returned. No, on this Wednesday I'll celebrate my return to Normal, the normal which God--over years of learning and changing--helped me create. 

A Normal I wouldn't trade with anyone. (No offense.)

And thank Heaven I love that normal, for whew! My life sure has a ton of it.

"You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you."   ... Psalm 128:2

Everything matters to God. Everything. We should beware if we begin believing only 'the big things' do. 

Oh, and while I was sick? I kept reminding myself to stay far from self-pity (lest I speak stupid predictions) and kept repeating, "This, too, shall pass." A lot.

And for those like my friend, Carolyn, who may worry lest I take on too much too soon? Fear not. Always, at times like these, I recall what happened to Almanzo Wilder in The First Four Years. Weird, but true. Alas.


What I'll also return to today? Organizing around my home before Spring (and her outside chores) returns.

Here's an example-- and even though the Before photo is downright embarrassing--here you go:



(With a grateful nod to Kathryn at Do It On a Dime.)


Oooo. I found this mesmerizing (enlarge for the 'wow results')--

                            (Photo taken by PJ Parkhurst during one of our ice storms.)


And oh my! I shared this Kindle book with you earlier--

--but that was before I knew it was the best .55 cents I ever spent.

Some of the included books are absolutely marvelous, whisking me far away to adventure in the 1930's on these dark winter days of 2019.

My favorites so far?

                (Felt like I'd gone on vacation after this one. Had a touch of Gone-Away Lake to it, that is, how it was originally as a resort.)

(Gee, I was right there staying in the old-fashioned hotel with Mary Louise. So cool.)

                    (This was so much fun, well, I can't even explain it.)  ツ


It's the passionately thankful people who most enjoy the life God gave them.



  1. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I’m sorry you and Tom weren’t feeling well Debra and very happy that you’re feeling better and ready to resume your daily activities again. I enjoyed seeing your before and after photos. I’ve been doing a bit of organizing too, It’s a. very satisfying feeling to see the cabinets and drawers so neat. Let’s hope they stay that way.
    Praying that you continue to feel much better every day.

  2. Debra, I'm glad you and Tom are feeling better. During those times when we're feeling low, our comfortable homes are such a comfort! I'm a big fan of normal life, too. One of the blessings of growing older is having had lots of time to try different things, then figuring out what works for each of us. Wow! Your before and after photos almost make me want to start spring cleaning.

  3. Thanks so much, Betsy, for your encouraging words! And it really is wonderful when we can step back and see what once was a mess become organized, right? So happy you're enjoying your organizing time, as well.

    Pam--Thanks so much and oh! We're on a same wave length again. Lately I'd been thinking also about how many different things I've done in my life--which worked, which did not, which work now, which would not work now, etc. And I love when we can look back and then think we really have had a wonderful life thanks to God and His leading and guiding.

    Thank-you much, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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