Thursday, February 14, 2019

And a Happy Kinda Dauncey Valentines Day to You

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."   ... Jeremiah 29:11


Remember when Lucy Ricardo, before discovering she's pregnant, tells Ethel she's been feeling 'dauncey', her grandmother's word 'for when you're not really sick, but just feel lousy'?

Well, my Valentine's Day morning began that way. 

Man. I'd waited nearly 2 weeks for my coffee shop to open again after Amy's honeymoon--and then? Today I just didn't feel like going. (And according to Facebook they're serving my favorite muffin--brown sugar and cinnamon! Sigh.) 

Perhaps part of it is that yesterday our sump-pump died, flooding a corner of our basement, so I called our go-to plumbers, but only after I waded through the water and lugged stuff around to clear space for the guys. 

(Fortunately nothing was ruined since I'm a big believer in "Expect the best, but prepare for the worst," and long ago I'd placed everything upon plastic bins.) 

Of course, much hurrying up and down stairs, answering the phone, checking in with Tom, cleaning bits of the house and later mopping-up that basement corner (on my hands and knees; long story) was also involved. 

By nightfall I could barely move.

Oh and one of the plumbers didn't latch the storm door and one of many crazy wind gusts (it was this type of morning) --

---whipped the storm door open and snapped the spring-thingy at the bottom, busting it. Alas. But he was nice and I didn't throw a fit. 

Besides, at least I could tell Tom it wasn't my fault. (Tom gets kinda weird-panicky about only 3 things in Life: walking on ice, water damage in the house and broken storm doors. So oh boy, what a red letter day for him, too. heh. Actually, he handled it all really well.)

Anyway, this morning I played cafe at home (again) and slowly I'm--whew-- feeling better. The Luna bar and half-caff coffee (and bits of prayer) have helped--and the sun! The sun's gleaming for the first time in days.

And it's Valentine's Day! A day (as I see it) to appreciate friendships and also, my reminder that Winter cannot much longer sling his chilled darkness, snow and ice around.

Whew. Even with the disappointments of the past 24 hours (did I mention the sump pump had to be replaced to the tune of a few hundred dollars?)--

Life with God is still very good.
These 'glitches' could've been much worse.
I'm feeling more like my healthy self as the moments go by.

And this, too, shall pass. Want to make disasters out of small things?
 Forget that nothing on Earth lasts forever and then make permanent (disastrous) decisions about temporary problems.

Please never do that, ok?

Instead, ask God for His encouragement (best not to wait around for people to speak it), then believe for a future day which will mega-make-up for a rough present one.

God is especially good at creating marvelous future days--and giving us Himself and a strong hope in the meantime. 

You know, to sweeten all our days, good, bad or kinda dauncey.

“Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. 
"Pooh!" he whispered.
"Yes, Piglet?"
"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw. "I just wanted to be sure of you.” 

― A.A. Milne, The House at Pooh Corner


Oh! Now this movie-- The Bookshop-- certainly appears to have possibilities, right?


       Happy Valentine's Day to all you wonderful friends out there!

... and for those who mailed me Valentines, I do thank you with all my heart! Totally made my Valentines Day an extra special one (and helped make up for my not getting to the coffee shop).

Again, thanks so much!



  1. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I’m sorry about your missed visit to the coffee shop Debra. I know how much you were looking forward to that. But, I was so happy they were able to fix the sump pump right away ... no waiting period That is a blessing in and of itself.
    We’re supposed to get more snow tonight and most days next week. I am tired of winter and it’s icy blast and it can blow away just any day now.
    I have two doctors appointments today. I went to the spine doctor yesterday and along with his news that they don’t know how much more they’ll be able to do for my back, he threw in the comment that he thinks I have congestive heart failure. Oh joy! I’m trying to remain optimistic, but some days it’s really hard. We’ll see what my primary care doctor says today.
    Wishing you a most happy Valentine’s Day my friend. God has blessed us both with very good man.
    Much love and blessings, Betsy

  2. Oh Betsy! Gah. What do doctors know? I read a story just yesterday about how they read something wrong for a woman. Anyway, I'll believe with you that they're wrong and that God will heal you all over, especially your back since He knows what to do and the doctors don't. (Again, if they were so smart.....) Hang in there! The end of winter is in sight now that Valentine's Day is here. Enjoy your day, ok? And please know lots of people are praying for you and believing for the very, very best. May you reap such wonderful blessings of all kinds due to all the encouragement you faithfully sow! Hugs, Debra

  3. A belated Happy Valentine's Day, Debra. You sure had a crazy day yesterday! Sometimes, when you face challenges like sump pump problems and broken doors, you just want to check the day off the calendar and put it behind you (quickly). Friend, I do not know how you were able to scrub on your hands and knees. I used to do it, but something happened when I got in my 50s and I literally couldn't stand the pain. If I absolutely have to get down on my knees, I use a kneeling pillow. Surely do hope the rest of the week is much easier and brighter for you and Tom!!

    Betsy, it had to be hard to hear "congestive heart failure," but Debra's right--Doctors aren't the final authority (thank God). I'll pray for you.

  4. Thank-you, Pam! I hope your Valentine's Day was extra special. My week did get better--until Sunday! Then Tom and I came down with the oddest thing. Lasted about 16 hours--chills, loss of appetite, tiredness and I'll tell you--it made me feel so grateful that I don't feel like that everyday. And made me more sympathetic to people who do. Anyway! Today we're both feeling a million times better and are so thankful. Thanks for being so faithful to comment, my friend. Blessings, Debra


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