Thursday, October 18, 2018

She Of The Perpetual Purple Toes

"Even to your old age I am he, and to gray hairs I will carry you. I have made, and I will bear; I will carry and will save."   ... Isaiah 46:4


First, I dropped the vacuum cleaner on my foot. Hurriedly, I'd replaced the canister (that thing with the handle) so it hadn't locked into place.

One night, Sammy The Cat kept meowing so, frustrated and intending to lecture him, I burst from my bedroom and tripped on the corner of a box fan.

Then two weeks ago while running late as I prepared to walk to the dentist's office, my foot caught the edge of our clothes hamper in our bathroom. Never in 7 years had that happened before.

Each time, ol' Debra ended up with some purple toes. Sigh.

Oh, nothing major, just enough to make me appear like a 90-year-old lady gingerly walking to the coffee shop.

Er hem.

Since, oh, age 35 I've been rather a running on fast-forward homemaker. Even without coffee(!) That was after the Exhausted Mommy years and before this next-year-I'll-turn-60 one.

But now at 59? Changes. I've simply got to make some changes.

What I'm loving most about God right about now is He understands "this old grey goose, she ain't what she used to be."

And He makes plans for me accordingly. He 'leads me beside these still waters'--

To the slower pace places. Slow down, He says. Listen, walk rather than run. Pause. Breathe. Renew.

To appreciation of new activities places. But to get there, I must leave behind what I can no longer do. Ban regret, hopelessness, and believe, instead, for a different happiness. 

To find my house's self-cleaning place. That's where I learn how to keep dirt and cold and heat from entering. Where I work smart, not hard. 

Oh, these new places!

Places of forgiveness for all these changes, not resentment.
Of new friends just as sweet as old ones lost.
Of yet-undiscovered adventures everywhere, even at home.
Of new topics, skills learned.
Of grasping what can only be understood in the slow, quiet places.

And longing for the old days? No, I'm thinking that spoils the progression. Oh, I can visit them, but spend my remaining hours longing for them, no, that feels too much like --

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other."   ... Matthew 6:24

For me, there's just one day, Today, and one master--Jesus. He will still ask me to do things for Him yet, thank-goodness, they'll be customized for His dearly loved, 'old grey goose'. 

So that I can still obey Him, even now, in this later season. Whew.

"For he knows we are but dust  and that our days are few and brief, like grass, like flowers,  blown by the wind and gone forever." ... Psalm 103:14-16

Never resent having to slow down. Oh, what we can discover in the slower-paced, quiet places!

Stop often. Celebrate what you have. Take nothing for granted.

As we age, sometimes we must discover all new ways to do the same ol' thing. (And is that really all so bad?)


Speaking of doing things differently... Last week I bought a sign, below, from Ebay because I kept forgetting to take my daily walk. This sign, now beside my computer, will remind me. Hopefully. heh.


Found this at Twitter, shared it at Facebook, for it caught me just where my procrastinating habits have held me lately--

A bit different than what I usually share, but couldn't help myself.

This funny statement, below, made me pause and go hmmm about myself. Not making comparisons here, just asking myself if I'm moving forward the way God would like--or are a ton of unfinished tasks holding me back? (Hey, I like a good challenge!) 

"In just over 2 years Harry and Meghan have met, fallen in love, moved her entire life to London, had a royal wedding, and got pregnant.
I still haven't rehung the towel rail that fell off the wall in 2014."

--- Laura


Don't you just love that?!



"Walk ... with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love." ... Ephesians 4:2


  1. Great words to ponder this morning Debra. Unfortunately, my slowing down has meant almost a complete stop. Another doctor visit this afternoon. Maybe he will have some answers for me, or at least an idea of where to look to feel better. Take care of those purple toes and slow down my friend! Blessings, Betsy

  2. You're still young! 😃 I know well the importance of realistic assessment of ones physical status and making the appropriate adjustments! This is NOT giving up!!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ouch, I'm sorry to hear about your toes (trust me, I well remember how that works ... you hurt one toe and either you're gonna slam that one off something accidentally another half dozen times or you're gonna start involving your other toes in the mix too. lol) Oh - honestly, I'm NOT laughing about YOUR toes. (Really, I'm not!)

    I had such a laugh over the quote about Harry and Meghan and ah, yep - that would apply to me as well. LOL Thanks for blogging and sharing with us, you truly are a blessing!

  5. Oh my, I cringed when I read about your purple toes, Debra. I hope you heal quickly. I'm learning, day by day, that it's okay to live at the pace that's right for me. Some days I'm able to accomplish much, and other days are for resting. Every day is good, though, and I'm thankful that I can count on God to help me in every single situation.

    On a more funny note, hubby and I are retired now, and I'm actually signing up for Medicare in a few months (how is that possible?). What we've noticed most is that we're all about comfort. Regardless of whether we're shopping for clothing, shoes, furniture, or a different home, everything comes back to the question, "How comfortable is it?"
    We ARE getting older....

  6. Anonymous12:12 AM

    These days when I walk I look like a feeble wobble. Remember those? :-)))) Bad knees and etc etc !! LOL But I Can walk and that is a real blessing. People age so differently. Some can jog for ever and others can barely walk. Some can remember everything on any subject and some not so much. Some remain strong in muscle every where else but have weak wrists or hands so they can no longer lift heavy Pyrex bowls and casserole dishes anymore. God made us each different in every way. No matter what our condition there are so many things we still Can do and need to be thankful for. !! We are all going to age {if we are so blessed}. None of us can believe it happened so fast though!! Just when did we get to be the oldest people in our whole families? The older ones I had growing up were so wise and humble and loving and everything good. I know I sure don't feel as wise as I thought they were. And all the family history they could just talk about for as long as you could listen. Well must admit some of the stories and dates and names are fading from my memory. It felt like the older ones would always be around telling us things so I think we did not listen or write down things like we all should. :(( There were times I felt when they started telling a story ...oh no,...I have heard This Story 20 times already... Well I wish they were here now to tell me 20 more times and I could listen and remember them. :(
    To all those who are still younger than me at 71 try to write down the family stories or names or addresses or anything and ASK the
    even older ones things too... before you get say my age. Ask when the memory is still fresher and perhaps if it is not maybe some relatives or older friends still remembers the details we have forgotten. Pass on the talents God has given you too. Get that story of their courtships and life when they are 8. What were their parents like? Ask them And their siblings for a different perspective. :) And Please go through your pictures and write on them who people where and were you create to them and where were they taken etc. Now while you still remember !! And for us that are older keep in contact with the younger ones. We need each other. We learn from each other and can share so much. Well this is all for this book! Sarah

  7. Oh Betsy! I hope you have some answers by now. Praying you'll have much grace in this time of recovery, my friend.

    Rebecca--awww thanks for saying I'm still young, but even according to the Bible, I'm nearing the end of the alloted years which God has assigned to man. And you know? I'm growing in acceptance of that--though yes, it's taken some time and lots of 'counting my days' on this road to 60. Making adjustments, as you said, is necessary as well as acceptance.

    Debi--thanks so much! And I'm glad you enjoyed that quote. I thought it was hilarious. :)

    Pam--that seeking comfort surely does sound familiar! Tom and I are both feeling lately that we deserve some extra comfort during these older years of ours. It's rather a nice feeling, actually. :)

    Sarah--thanks so much for your advice! I especially like how you said we all age differently. That is so very true!

    Thanks, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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