Thursday, May 03, 2018

Moving On = Growing Up

" ... for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are but dust." ...Psalm 104:14


My sister shared this at Facebook and oh! How funny:

A coworker was pulled over for speeding. As she's handing the officer her paperwork she apologizes for the registration being the expired one, but assures him the new one is on her dining room table, and if he checks with DMV it is all caught up. She adds that as soon as she's done giving college finals her life will slow down and she will take care of that sticker. The officer asks which class she's teaching. She responds, "GR6."
He asks: "What is GR6?"
Her response: "Personal Responsibility and Time Management." 

But then, yikes. You know how the Bible has some Super Scary Verses? Well, this one flicked its finger against my brain. Again--

"Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly."   ... James 3:1

Really, that verse haunts me. I consider myself a teacher (of sorts) via this blog and have you ever wondered why I take days off? Partly it's to consciously live-out what I'm hinting you should.

Seriously, I so don't want to zoom up to Heaven then hear, "Oh Debra! Tsk. Tsk. You told everybody else how to live, yet you became all Sloppy City, yourself." (Can't you just picture little groups of angels nearby shaking their heads, whispering to each other, then glancing at me?)  😳

Now, back in my Old Days when I'd mess up, I'd hide away, feel awfully sorry for myself and as though future changes were quite unlikely.

But here's the good news--

God showed me the better way. He said I'd grow a whole lot faster if I--

Apologize (and mean it)
Ask for His help the next time.
Then for heaven's sake, move on. 

Seriously. Groveling in that weird, weak, "Oh wretched man that I am and how can God even stand me?" stuff is horrible. Not even biblical if we've received Jesus' sacrifice for us (which was either enough-- or it wasn't).

And besides, if we remain unworthy grovelers, no one will long to know God better because we were here. No, just the opposite. (And that's scary also, that, and avoiding what we're meant to do out of fear of failure.)

So for today, if lately you've felt stuck --

Ask for help.
Then move on. 

But quitting must go. Groveling, also, for both keep us from what we might have been. 'God knows we are but dust,' and even so, He deeply, deeply loves us and rejoices when we grow up and shine His light, drawing others to that light. And Him.

"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."  ... Romans 8:1

"The most inspiring piece of advice I've gotten is simply to persevere. My mom taught me to always keep going no matter what from an early age. When it feels too difficult to push forward, I always remind myself, 'This too shall pass,' and then I redouble my efforts."

---- Liya Kebede


And ok, this has basically nothing to do with what I just wrote, but--

Since last October and Tom's Great Lifestyle Change, I've made a ton of vegetable stir fry for dinner. Oh, the vegetables we've devoured that way. 

Mostly I've used frozen vegetables, but also canned green beans and carrots (but never peas. Uhm, no. No canned peas in the nearly 40 years I've been married, for my mom, bless her heart, used to cook the absolute souls out of canned peas so that they resembled tiny round green pillowcases and I've never, ever bought them, myself).


Occasionally I'll add canned chicken or some browned ground beef, but recently I began sometimes adding frozen ravioli. Yes, you read that right--you do realize frozen ravioli need not always be boiled, right? I just toss them, frozen, in the frying pan with the vegetables, seasonings and a couple tablespoons of coconut oil. Then after the vegetables are mostly heated-through, I add maybe half a can of Rotel diced tomatoes (or you can add fresh tomatoes and Italian seasoning or a little spaghetti sauce, to taste).

Then I cover the pan, turn off the burner and let it set so the ravioli can steam awhile longer and the Rotel can warm. 

Makes for a nice change to good ol', night after night, stir-fry.



Oh! And almost forgot to mention ... Today (Friday, 5/4/2018) and tomorrow are the final days for a special deal at Target. For each two specially selected pet food items you buy, you receive a $5 gift card.

The fun this morning was that I used one of those gift cards (from doing this deal earlier this week) to help with another pet food deal where I'll receive two more. 

With all the cat food we buy (especially for Sammy The High Maintenance Cat) this was a great deal. I try to make the most of it whenever it's offered.



  1. Very wise words my friend. Perseverance. It becomes so easy to get discouraged as I have been lately. I need to buck up. Move on. And realize God is right there beside me through it all. And also thank you for the recipe. We’re trying to eat more healthy too and this looks like it may be just the thing for something different. I hope you’re having a lovely day.
    Blessings, Betsy

  2. Such good, truthful advice, Debra. You know, when I was younger, I assumed that by the time I got older, it would be easier to live a life that is surrendered to Christ. HOWEVER, I continue to struggle with my attitude and judgment...not all the time, but often enough to make me realize that I will always be very dependent upon Him. Hey, I guess that's progress, tho.

    Thanks for the recipe! I'm going grocery shopping today, and plan to buy some ravioli. How great is it that you don't have to boil it!!!

  3. I love your lines of God's better way. I think I'm much better about that than I used to be--finally! Some lines from C.S. Lewis that were basically to the same teaching has helped me a lot with that. But I always need good reminders!

  4. Thanks, Betsy, and you and me both need to remember to buck up. Heh. (Had to smile at that.) Let me know if you try the recipe!

    Hi Pam! I think God chips away at so many little thing when we cooperate with Him that eventually we wake up and realize we don't respond the way we used to, but better. I like what Joyce Meyer says... I'm not where I need to be but thank God I'm not where I used to be. Love that.

    Thanks Dewena and yes! I'm glad you can see the change in yourself. We all have them and it encourages us to look back sometimes so to see how far God has brought us along.

    Thanks, Ladies! ... Debra


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