Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Even Monday Through Saturday. Even Alone.

“Refuse to be average. Let your heart soar as high as it will.” 
― A.W. Tozer


Really, I'm one of those I'll-only-fly-if-I-must folks. It's the being wildly out of control that bugs me, the venturing nearer Heaven than Earth-ness of it all (in my mind, anyway).

Cornelia Otis Skinner, back in the 1940's, captured my feelings hilariously (if only I could share the entire chapter with you!) --

(After the terrifying take off) -- "The man behind me yawns and pretends to nod. Faker! The woman across the aisle puts on her glasses and reads a copy of The New Yorker. I bet she's a faker, too... The co-pilot comes back and asks each passenger if everything is all right, which is, after all, something he should know about.

Eventually worn out by terror and boredom I manage to doze. I am roused when we start to lose altitude... we are going to land. My panic returns. Looking down, I can never make out the landing field and have a hideous feeling the pilot can't either... The warning to "Please fasten your safety belts" flashes on in a sinister manner.

The other passengers yawn and reach for their coats, which I consider sheer boasting...  Down and down we plunge ... and at last bounce gently on earth and taxi to the terminal."

And here's the part I (ol' Debra) loved best--

"I have a feeling kindred to that of someone who has successfully ridden Niagara Falls in a barrel and think we all ought to shake hands and hold a short prayer service, but the other passengers look as if such a suggestion would frighten them more than the flight has frightened me, so I desist. We have arrived! I keep the happy tidings to myself."

Now, I could veer off to lots of flying-related tangents, but no, I'll go here--

We need not ever wait for a prayer service. We can have our own, even alone. Alone we can sing, alone we can worship, raise our hands and tell God of our overflowing gratitude.

Alone we can be and, if we wish, have 'church' every day, even have awesome teaching online and fellowship, also, with those who need what God designed us to give. 

Even on Mondays or when cold rains drip and we're not feeling well. Or when a friend cancels the lunch we'd anticipated or a call gives us bad news or even if we suddenly realize we've become one of those 'shut-ins' we pitied (and feared) as a Sunday School child.

But oh, the breadth, the depth of being shut in with God! That sweet presence fluttering, beating within our heart. 

Always, we can have as much of God as we want and that full-of-glory joy. Even today. Even always. Even alone.

Sometimes, though, we must first release what weighs us down before we can lighten our load--and fly. With Him.


Have Jesus living within your heart? Then you're never alone and always on the cusp of something potentially wonderful.


"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."  ... Galations 5:1

Image may contain: ocean, sky, cloud, text, outdoor and nature


Oh! And Cornelia's book (which I linked to, above,) is a hoot. It's a 'best-of' three of her books and keeps me chuckling. Her similes are terrific--she'll make comparisons to people or events I've never heard of so I look them up online and learn much that way.  😊

You can find the book a tad cheaper at abebooks.  If you hurry.  heh.



  1. Amen and Amen Debra! He is always with us. And although I absolutely love to fly above the clouds, I can also understand the fear others feel when flying. I’m guessing that book is a complete hoot. :-)

  2. Thanks, Betsy! The book is indeed a complete hoot. heh. :) You'd like it!

    Blessings, Debra

  3. Hi Debra, I hope you're having a good weekend! I'm like you with the flying thing - I've never flown, nor had any desire to [well, except way back when I was a teenager and at one point in time, decided I wanted to be a stewardess. lol]

    Thanks again for posting on your blog, you make a lot of people happy when you post, I just KNOW that you do [and yep, I'm one of them!] (Hugs)

    Happy Mothers Day!


  4. I love Cornelia and am going to order one of her books, she writes funny books. Yes, whenever a plane lands safely I have my own prayer service of one. I think there is a lot of prayer going on during every flight.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.