Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Where She Comes Out Of The Closet

"But the multitude of your enemies will become like fine dust ... and it will happen instantly, suddenly."   --- Isaiah 29:5


Before lying down each night I'd gaze around and think, "This is my favorite room I've ever decorated. It delights my heart, even if it is just a closet."

Seriously. Loved that place.

But uh-oh. I almost never spent any daylight hours there anymore. The large windows downstairs pulled me, like a moth, to them, and that's where I'd read, watch tv and use my iPad--with my face almost pressing against window glass, especially during Winter hours.

But my upstairs' closet has no windows. Lamps, yes, but just a 3' by 5' clear, no-stuff-on-it floor space for reading (the ceiling slopes too low for reading in my homemade bed). And it felt like watching tv in a hallway, for it sat outside the door where no windows could be seen, either.

Ol' Debra needs windows--so for the final time--she let go. And came out of the closet. And now it's back to the spacious (16' x 24'), bright, windowed guest room.

And you know? After I moved in my favorite books, dvd's and the tv, changed the sheets and moved out Sammy's large nighttime crate (to the walk-through room, the area nearest the stairs), I felt as though I'd moved to a whole other house.

Suddenly, I felt a new excitement, what with--

A room in which I can walk around!
A place where I can read in an oh-so-comfortable chair!
A room with a window!
And now I have a super cute closet in which I can actually hang and store my clothes. Imagine.

The funny/odd thing? This whole idea came to me just an hour after I told Tom on our way back from having our taxes done (yeah, we know-- old school) that our house is in such a perfect location--let's just try to make it the perfect house for us.

Hmm. The lesson. Like, how acceptance opens avenues I'd have seen no other way. 

What I've noticed lately? Holding onto what's gone, what's over, is like being a bud which never flowers. It's like when we accept sadness or helplessness as a lifestyle, the life-giving sap dries up.

 But with the expectation of faith! God can make all things new and suddenly there's--

A fresh attitude 
And blossoming, even in a personal winter, for 'nothing is too hard for the Lord'. Nothing--unless we refuse to move when He does. 

Yet let's not stop, but step ahead in faith, with a hope which doesn't die, even if our prayer, our dream, arrived in a whole different way.

Even then--with God--there is joy unspeakable and full of glory. If we choose a lifestyle of godly anticipation of what He has for us. Even here upon this imperfect planet.

Some day/year I'll actually iron and put on the white bed skirts I bought years ago. sigh.

"And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him." ... Hebrews 11:6

Sometimes we must decide do I want to remain in a past I know or do I want to trust God for a bright, yet unknown future?

It's a cinch to anticipate a most perfect Heaven. Anyone can. But the harder thing is to believe God still has much good here for us, with Him, because of Him.


A project I hope to begin there in my new room? To makeover my current sad little dollhouse, upon a folding table I don't yet have. To totally change its 4 rooms, using this pink and white theme-- 

Does that make anyone else swoon? (Or want to crawl inside and stay?) Oh my.

Gadgetz Overload shared that photo at Facebook, but I've still not seen that dollhouse available at their website. Doesn't matter, though--I'll just be using this photo as inspiration for my current sad little dollhouse.  😊


Oh, and for years I've collected bookmarks, but what did I normally use to mark my place in books? I'd tear any ol' nearby envelope in pieces or use a dollar bill, rubber band, magazine subscription card, etc., etc. 

But finally I came up with a perfect solution. See the bunny cookie jar (which Naomi gave us) below?

Well, I spend hours at that table reading so I placed lots of bookmarks inside that cookie jar. And now I just remove the bunny's head and grab a bookmark when needed. Easy. (And only took a year to think of this. heh.)



  1. Sounds like you've made a great decision!
    What a difference a small change - a step into the future with expectation and hope - can make.
    Good for you!

  2. Good morning Debra! Is that a picture of your actual new room? If so, it is lovely. And great idea with the bookmarks in the cookie jar. I have them scattered around the house but never one handy when I need it. I’ll have to try to think of a central location too. I’m so happy that you’ve decided to stay in your home that is so convenient for you. We still aren’t sure what God is telling us to do. The stairs here are very hard for me sometimes. However, there is absolutely nothing for sale in the area we want to live in. So we wait for God‘s leading and try to remain content. Have a lovely day my friend. Blessings, Betsy

  3. I'm already looking forward to seeing how you transform the guest room into that dreamy dollhouse-type room! I so appreciate what you said to Tom, "...our house is in a perfect location--let's just try to make it the perfect house for us." When we embrace the life God has created for us, everything changes. I have no doubt that you and Tom will continue to make your home a very special haven. Blessings on you both!

  4. Rebecca--yep, it's wild how a small change can change everything, right? Something good to remember in all our relationships, as well, and who knows what all else? :)

    Betsy--yes, that's my 'new' room. I'm loving all the space to actually move around. heh. Glad you like the bookmark idea and I'll continue praying you both see clearly what next step to take!

    Oh Pam! I went back and made that clearer--I'm making over my dollhouse to look like the pink one, not my new bedroom. (I'd had a feeling someone might misconstrue that and should have gone back sooner. Anyway, now it's clearer.) :) There's so many things that this house will never be, but also in this process is lots of giving up on those things.I'm still working through that, I admit! Don't want to make it sound like I'm 100% happy with this decision yet, but really, I am happier now while dreaming of some of the changes we'll make so that it's a better fit for us. Hope that all makes sense!

    Thanks, Everyone! Blessings, Debra

  5. Glad, so glad, you do this! Your mental health will improve because you have come out of the closet and downstairs! Really! Room to breath is so important. Read you daily, don't often comment. Jan

  6. Now, Jan... I'm still upstairs, just beside the closet, in fact. It's a huge space up there, tho the ceilings are very sloped. Oh, and I had to smile--I didn't know my mental health needed improving. Heh. 😳 Glad to see you're still reading here. Blessings, Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.