Friday, March 16, 2018

Of Birthdays And Growing Older

"God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well." .... Voltaire


So! Ol' Debra has another birthday today and that's ok. Really, it is.

But uh-oh. Next year she'll turn the big 6-0.

Eegads. Me? I'm so close to that number? Well Honey, this is gonna take the next 12 months to come to peace with for this gal. To reach a calm acceptance of that new decade, of this surprised stranger's face when I look into a mirror, will take much introspection and well, mental work.

And oh, I know some of your fingers are poised to send me your happy, happy stories of Life After You Turned 60, but please, uhm, well, no thank-you, ok?

I mean, I believe a person's acceptance of age is so unique, individual and personal, that she must wade through the Acceptance Waters alone, within the deepest rivers of her heart, remembering her youth, letting it go and putting on this new season which, once, loomed so far ahead in future years. 

Well, alone--and with God. Together they, we, must swim through those waters--and only afterward--can we be set upon the high road where our own happy adventures will begin.

At least, that's how I feel. And it's ok, for even now, over on this side of the bank, I realize everything's gonna be all right. All will be settled and upright, not topsy-turvy.

In time.

"One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind."  ... Romans 14:15


Well, this early morning I got all prettied up, threw on my coat and gloves and braved the 22 blowy-snowy degrees so to walk to my coffee shop. 

First I bought a gift card (more about that later), then hot chocolate and a warm banana muffin and sat at my favorite table near the huge steamy window and read and dreamed and counted the good changes since last March 16th.

Before leaving, I thanked the counter gal for the great food and such a relaxing way to begin my birthday. Her eyes widened and she said, "Oh, happy birthday! If I'd have known, you could've had your drink for free. Would you like to take one to go?"

Wasn't that so sweet of her? But I told her, "Oh no! That's ok. Thanks so much." And it really was ok, for I love doing my financial part in keeping this place going. May it always bake its way into my neighborhood's heart.

Then over the slippery sidewalks, with head bent against tiny pelting snowflakes, I made my way to 7-11. I found a couple bananas and a sandwich then took them to the counter where, after paying, I gave the clerk the coffee shop gift card because hey! It's her birthday, too, today. I'd remembered from two years ago when I'd bought ice cream there for my birthday breakfast (I told her) and she said it was her birthday, also.

Well, she was delighted with the gift card and that I'd remembered and you know? Whatever good also happens on this day, this will be my favorite memory, sharing a gift with a woman who has to work on her birthday, but who will, I hope, do so now a bit more happily.

"Let us never know what old age is. Let us know the happiness time brings, not count the years."   ... Ausonius


Love this!



  1. Hi Debra, Happy birthday, sweet lady! This post brought tears to my eyes. There have been many changes in my life these past few years. The biggest one being the end of a 27 year homeschool journey when my youngest graduated last year. I can't believe I am approaching 60 in the next couple years. This has me trying to figure out what the Lord wants me to do with the "spare" time I have when I am not at work part-time. Some days I just walk around my house in a daze saying this doesn't feel right. So I pray for wisdom as I turn 58 in a couple months.

    The gift card You gave that lady was such a kind thing to do. You are a blessing!

  2. Hey Debra we’re the same age! Well close anyway. I turn 58 in February. And I’m really OK with that too. Right now I think I’ll be OK with 60 but who knows how I’ll feel when I turn 59! Ha ha! What a sweet, sweet, sweet gesture for you to give a gift card to the lady at 7-Eleven. I’m sure she was stunned and happy by such a thoughtful gesture of a virtual stranger. What a great example you are to the rest of us. Happy, happy birthday my sweet friend!
    Blessings, Betsy

  3. Happy Birthday, Debra! Sounds like you had a lovely day. May God bless you in every single way during this new year of your life.

  4. Happy birthday, you young thing❤️. It's all relative, you know?!?

  5. Happy birthday my dear blogging friend! I am ten years ahead of you, also a Pisces sun. Your day is the same as my late, much-loved Auntie Gay.

  6. Oops. 11 years ahead.


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