Thursday, December 21, 2017

Where She Finally Got To The Coffee Shop

(This isn't my coffee shop, but mine is designed much the same, though in an old building. A sign inside says the capacity is 18 people.)  😏


Oh! Guess who finally made it over to the new coffee shop?!

Eegads. All that waiting since September, all that resting of my plantar fasciitis'd foot.

Then s-l-o-w-l-y my foot improved, so I made coffee shop plans, only to awaken to ack! Snowy, slick, icy streets and sidewalks.


Then the snow melted (yay!), but sheesh. The temperature dropped to 15 degrees and--personally--I don't take walks unless it's at least 25.

Then my foot hurt in a different way.

Then more ice and snow. Sigh. Then hooray! Perfectly dry sidewalks, but it was Tuesday

The coffee shop is closed on Tuesdays. And Wednesdays.

Weird. So very weird. Almost like The Universe tried barring me permanently from the coffee shop, the one I'd actually prayed to appear in my neighborhood. A shop whose owners I wished to encourage, simply by spending money and time there.

This reminded me of something:

We need to recognize when it's us against what God wants for us --or-- when it's our faithfulness being tested. Will we be sensitive enough, through Grace, to know the difference?

Anyway, my cappuccino tasted great as did my chocolate chip muffin and how pleasant to sit warmly facing the large window at an old Formica-top table, listening to Bing Crosby Christmas songs while reading my delightful current book, perfect for such a time as this --

And well, these may be such simple things, but in Debra's World, they're huge. And trust me, I'm determined that--when I reach Heaven--I'll have done my best to grasp closely, and appreciate, every single blessing God ever dropped down to me here.

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father..."  James 1:17   (And, to me, that makes all gifts a large deal.)

How good to learn the difference between forcing a door open and waiting for God to open it--or to direct you to a different door.



Remember the photo reprints I ordered (with ease) from Wow! They arrived quickly and were (surprisingly) most beautifully done. Remarkable quality for so cheap.

I ordered more yesterday.


Oh! And if you're at Facebook--are you aware of the Messenger page link on the left-hand side of your home page? (I've helped a few friends find this, actually.) It takes you to a collection of all your private conversations and is a place where it's much easier (for me, anyway) to write messages as well as read them.

Just wanted to mention this--often people are surprised at how many messages they missed by not checking-out this page. (Again, the link is on the left-hand side of your home page, at least it should be, on a regular PC or laptop.)



  1. Patience is NOT a virtue I was blessed with. However, with all of the strange health things I’ve had this year, I’ve been forced to slow down. I love that you finally got to your coffee shop. And I love how you set at a formica table reading. I can just picture it in my mind. I hope you’re having a most lovely week leading up to Christmas my friend.
    Many Blessings,

  2. YES!!! I'm so happy to hear that you went to the coffee shop and had a nice time. This post encourages me to relax and trust God for every single thing. Thanks, Debra!

  3. Thank-you so much Betsy and Pam! I so appreciate hearing from you and I always look forward to your faithful, encouraging comments. I wish both of you the happiest of Christmasses and a wonderful 2018!

    Blessings, Debra


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