Tuesday, December 19, 2017

December This and That, Part Deux

Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!"   ... Psalm 34:8


1.) Remember Tractor Al from our years on the farm? Well, his (and Shannon's) daughter was married last weekend and here's my favorite photo from those shared at Facebook --

The beautiful bride served communion to her great-grandmother. (Is that the sweetest thing, or what?)

2.)  Did you check out the latest TCM Remembers? I thought it especially beautiful this year. Here you go.

3.)  As I stated at Facebook, remember this! --

... it will clear up much confusion in this 2017 world of ours.

4.)  Oh! My good buddy, Dolores, gave me a blog link which those of you with homemakers' hearts will LOVE. Check it out here.

5.)  Yes! Many times I've discovered this to be true --

6.)  My friend, Anne's, mantle is gorgeous, right? Wow.

7.) And that's about all I've got today, Folks, except that I'll add this, below. It's been my goal for eons, but unfortunately, it's still way too hit and miss with me. 

But hey! I'll never stop believing for changes only God can complete--



  1. Ahhh, the bride serving communion is so sweet. The love between them is evident. That mantle decor is lovely. I hope you’re doing well my friend.

  2. Yes, how very sweet that the bride is serving her great grandma communion. I'm so happy you shared this with us.

    I love reading your blog, it's a happy place to come to and also one where you share so much wisdom. I "LOVE" the sayings you posted about things never changing until something you do every day changes and oh how true that is! Also love the one about making others feeling better when you leave than when you got there.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family, Debra. (Hugs)

    Deb [who hails from Titusville, PA where the very first oil well in the world was drilled!]

  3. Betsy--so glad you liked those photos!

    Debi--thanks so much for your kind words! I love having a peaceful place here because those kind of places seem to be getting rarer. Merry Christmas to you (and how interesting about the first oil well!)

    Robin--same to you, my friend!

    Thanks, Everyone.... Blessings, Debra


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