Sunday, December 31, 2017

Uh-Oh. So Did She, Like, Lie To Us?

"So I always take pains to have a clear conscience toward both God and man."   ... Acts 24:16


Remember my firm "I'm as techno as I want to go" post? Well, er, some might say ol' Debra lied when they discover she now uses an iPad(!)

Of course, I have my excuses. 

See, Naomi, for Christmas, gave us her iPad which she no longer uses. Total surprise--honest! And though I was tempted to gulp, "But I told my blog peeps that I'm already as techno as I want to go!," I, of course, said only, "Wow! Thank-you, Sweetie. Can I use it like a Kindle?"  😉

Then later, I had to laugh when Naomi showed me how to use the iPad rather like this--

(Naomi) -- "Oh, it's so easy to use! You'll get it in no time."
(Me, inside my head) --  Riiiiiight.

(Naomi) -- "You just push this button,
then swipe the screen like this,
then enter these numbers,
then swipe,
then tap twice,
then go here,
type this, 
then click-click,
then swipe, tap, tap, 
then go here, click, swipe, tap, tap, tap, click, click, swipe, and you're good to go!"

Oh dear. My head swirled and I had to sit down. heh.

Two days later alone on the red couch, I sat for 20 minutes with the iPad, just trying to access the Kindle Reader Naomi had linked-to for me. No go.

That's when I put the iPad away, lest I sling it through the window.

Yet an hour passed so I tried again and oh! For the first time, ever, I read a Kindle book out at our sun-gleaming dining room table rather than here inside this dark, shadowy office. Wow. Remarkable.

And so far, this is as techno as I've gotten on this newfangled contraption. 

Why? Because I know myself. I must go slow and make repetitions--and that's ok. The older I become the more I realize Life is not for competing nor comparing, but rather, for learning and then doing all God created me to do. That way--when I leave--I'll have painted this planet a bit brighter, uniquely so, in my own way and timing through Him.

And I'm thinking that's what He wants--and it's enough.

(And now we're clear, right? Debra's more techno than she'd previously believed she wanted to go.)  😉

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart..."   ... Jeremiah 1:5

"There are different ways to serve the same Lord, and we can each do different things. Yet the same God works in all of us and helps us in everything we do."   ... 1 Corinthians 12:5


Awww... the actress, Rose Marie, passed away. I'd love to someday watch her new film about her life and I wish I'd have known she was active on Twitter. She truly was wonderful as Sally Rodgers on The Dick van Dyke Show.



  1. Never say "never" (as "they" say!

    Thankful for technology even as I wade my way through some of it. Recognizing that about the time I catch on, something new, faster and more amazing has taken its place......

    Balance. That's what I crave. Balance and the ability/wisdom to recognize when I'm OUT of balance!


  2. Love my iPad. I use it for virtually everything. Our son in Japan sent us some gadget that neither of us understand. We asked him if he would be offended if we gave it to his sister. He understood completely and gave us his blessing. Here’s to 2018.

  3. I'll admit that I have fought technology, but my kids know how to talk me into trying new things. I'm always about 10 years behind them, but I'm totally blown away at the information available to us now days!

  4. Awe, we know you wouldn't lie to us! : )

    As for myself, I totally love technology though too, I do love my paper and notebooks as well. I've had a Kindle for years and absolutely love it. I mean, seriously, how could one carry nearly 1,000 books in their hand any other way, ya know? lol

    Happy New Year, my friend!


  5. Rebecca-- yep, I do enjoy the technology which I understand. :) And like you, I'm always reminding myself to stay balanced, which uh-oh! During winter is a bit harder since I'm inside the house so much. Oh well! It's wonderful that God can help us once we admit we need it. heh.

    Betsy--that's great you know your way around the iPad! These days later I'm thinking I'll mostly just keep using it as a Kindle. That's about my speed. heh. But really, it truly is wonderful reading Kindle books at our sunny table now! Yay!

    Pam--had to laugh when you said you were ten years behind your kids! Yes, that's about the way it is around here, also. :) As I told Betsy, I'm finding this iPad makes a wonderful Kindle, so--at this rate--I may just keep it for that, at least for now.

    Debi--so true! Kindles are great and such a space saver--wow! And now I still feel so blessed that I can read my kindle books out in the sunshine of our dining room--woo hoo! (It's the small things, right?) :)

    Thanks, Everyone, and happy new year to you, my faithful readers! Blessings, Debra


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