Wednesday, December 27, 2017

On A Cold (But Sunny) December Afternoon

Brrrr!  And Merry Two Days After Christmas to you.

I'm thinking of all my Readers, but then, aren't I always? Hopefully your Christmas was the type you prefer-- crowded or quiet, hectic or relaxed. I enjoyed fun times at Facebook, cooked dinner for Tom and myself, then Naomi and Justin joined us here and oh, what a sweet time. And just right.

And now? Now I'm reeling and celebrating Normal. Blessed, blessed-- Normal how I do love you.

"Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth."   ... 1 Timothy 6:6


Usually I send for a free calendar (for our refrigerator, using just the plain grid pages) from either Betty Crocker or Pillsbury, yet this year? Let's just say it didn't work out (long, dull stories).

But hooray! Today I discovered that dear ol' Joyce Meyer is again offering free calendars so I rushed over there and signed-up.

Anyone else in this same boat? Here's the link, and do hurry before they're gone, ok?

Oh, and yes. I do realize you can print calendars galore free, but--lest you've forgotten--my own personal printer is, well, evil. It sits here beside me and I try not to snarl at it.  😳


And wow. Tom tried  something new for Christmas--he consulted my Amazon Wish List (such a novel idea!)  and my, my, my. All but one of these are from him ---

I'm so enjoying the Dark Windows one. Mary C. Jane was my best discovery in 2016 and I wish I'd found her earlier, but hey. I'm learning that--as the Bible states--there truly is a time for everything, so who am I to question the things which seem to appear late?

There's a reason for everything and the refreshing thing? I needn't always know just what it is.


Tried something new this year. Placed our Christmas cards amongst our kitchen pictures. I'm liking it.

(And a huge thanks to all who mailed cards to us!)


And one last thing... Most people need fewer projects, but ol' Debra? She needs more. So guess what I found this morning? The Mixbook Photo Company.

For years I've meant to create a book using my photos, so that's what I'm doing--making a photo book about our years at Hobbit Cottage. And wow, so far, it's extremely easy. (If I can do it, you certainly can, too.). They have special first-time offers and it's also Ebates friendly.

I'll let you know if I actually complete this project or if it joins the Stuff I Began But Then Forgot or Lost Interest In list. Stay tuned!



  1. Good morning Debra! Merry two days after Christmas. It looks like you had a good day. Lots of reading ahead for you. I’ve made a few of the photo books from Costco in the past and they were well received as gifts. It’s back to normal here too and I’m really missing my grandkids. Enjoy your quiet.

  2. Oh my, I must admit that I enjoy getting back to normal, too. Christmas was wonderful, but I was exhausted by the end of the day. Pulling off big meals is getting harder for me, but my gang enjoyed my efforts. The next big event is hubby's retirement tomorrow. We've worked hard to understand the financial aspects, but the other life changes are yet to be determined. We're trusting God to help us find our way.

  3. Hi Debra,

    I hope you finish your photo book because I'd love to know how it turns out [meaning what type of a job this company does for you on it!] I've thought too over the years of making one but never got around to starting one.

    Have a wonderful day!



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