Tuesday, November 21, 2017

When It's The Things Left Undone That Blind You

The older we get, the easier it is to become all 'been there done that, why even try anymore?'. But don't let that happen to you, ok? Ask God to help you keep things fresh and rut-free.



At least I'm not all, "Here I am at 58 and what have I done with my life?" No, (mostly) I'm ok with my past.

Rather, I've felt so restless, wondering just what or who I should blame (the ungrateful whiners on the Net? The mean/violent people on the News?). But whatever, it's led me to, "Here I am nearing 60 and isn't there something new out there for me? Something vital? You know, before it's too late?"

Actually, in earlier years, I've often visited this place. And oh, the temptation to leap, whoosh! Dive, splash, into something bigger/different/adventurous just because it's there. Just because it's not where I've already been.

But darn, that's when Wisdom plops down beside me and asks, "You realize you're running, right? What about the undone things?"

Oh, those.

The four strips of wallpaper still left to hang in the kitchen.
The three strips needed to finish the bathroom and the flaking windowsill which needs repainting.
The backdoor I've wanted to paint a fun yellow-green.
The laundry. The ironing in the overflowing basket on the cats' tall scratching post. 
The books I've collected yet not read.
The emails I owe. The folks we should invite over.
The last outdoor hedge which needs trimming before winter.

And more.

And then it comes to me as it always does s-l-o-w-l-y: how about asking for a fresh, new attitude, instead? And new eyes which make old ideas appear bright and enticing--and then--seeing where things-finished lead you?

Hmm! Now there's a thought.

(Besides, who wants to leave this life with a whole embarrassing trail of half-finished tasks strewn behind her?)

And then, as always, when I calm my heart enough to hear it, that advice sounds--as Goldilocks would say--just right.

If God can paint Autumn this beautifully, I'm thinking He's capable of painting a pretty wonderful rest of my life, as well.


Something I'm trying to finish? My new wardrobe. 

Lately I'd noticed women on tv wearing what resembles the whole vintage necklace selection from their local thrift shop.

I adore that look.

So, for pretty cheap, I ordered two lots of retro jewelry from Ebay. Here's the one that's arrived so far--

And this one will probably be here today--

And this will be enough

How good it feels to actually complete what one's begun! (Surprise, surprise.)  😉


A main thing is to stay on the same page with God rather than jumping ahead to a later chapter. Go skipping a few pages and we--most likely-- won't be equipped to handle the new place gracefully.




  1. Wonderful thoughts today Debra. I find myself looking ahead a few years to when Dennis' hopes to retire and the plans we have. Then I worry that physically I won't be able to do the things that we want to do. I have to TRY to remember to enjoy the moments we have now and use them to the fullest.
    Blessings my friend,

  2. Here I am looking at 69!!!!
    Similar thoughts to yours...
    Undone things getting attention here, too.
    One. By. One.

  3. Such a good post, Debra. I'll bet most of us can identify with you. Nearing 64, 1.5 yrs post cancer surgery, and hub retiring next month, are reasons for thanksgiving, but there are many questions, too. Sometimes I grow anxious, but most of the time I'm so doggone glad to be alive. We are incredibly blessed. Happy Thanksgiving to all!!

  4. Oh those darned undone things, I find those are most likely the reason for the times that those overwhelming feelings come.

    Speaking of new things - on my list for now are that I'm 'thinking' of starting guitar lessons again and also learning faux calligraphy [and once I get that down, possibly "real" calligraphy. We'll see ...] lol

  5. Hi Everyone! I so appreciate that you faithfully read here and share your comments from your own heart and life. Thanks so much! Blessings, Debra


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