Wednesday, November 29, 2017

What Will You Remember?

"For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations."   ... Psalm 100:5


Oh, yesterday! The perfect sun-blinding, warm type of day which, recalled, encourages our winter-weary hearts on dark, icy-blue February afternoons.

I read outside on the front porch, raked leaves, trimmed dead daylily stalks and nearly went all "the-hills-are-alive!" Julie-Andrews-style.

Glorious. Simply glorious.

Daniel and Sammy luxuriated with me upon our sun-sparkling glass-topped table--

-- while I read Reminisce magazines, basking in others' long ago treasured memories. Then pausing, I asked myself --

"What will you remember about these years?"

Oh, may it please--instead of Today's strife-filled world--be sitting beside Tom in the living room, eating meals and watching tv shows while feeling peace so palpable.

Or feeding the birds outside our dining room windows and picnicking on quiet afternoons, watching my flowers grow.

Or eating-out with Naomi and Justin (or like last Friday for our 39th anniversary, along with Naomi's dear friend since high school, Kellee). 

Or sitting upon the red couch with a lap full of Daniel, staring down the street at the gleaming blue river.

Or sweeping the front porch in my apron. Decorating. Taking walks to the old-timey American Four Square house street and snapping Autumn photos there. Baking chocolate cookies. Playing Andy Williams records upstairs with both windows open, wafting the white curtains around.

And so much more, all done with my favorite Companion beside me.

Yet as I end this, let me earnestly add these words to all my readers--

Please do not let these turbulent Times turn your heart sarcastic, bitter, nor your words, harsh. God is still God, He is still good and may it be said that we, in all types of weather, turned our sails toward goodness, also.

"But where sin increased, Grace increased all the more..."   ... Romans 5:20

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer."  ...Psalm 19:14


Warning to all lovers of dollhouses--you just may lose your heart, as I did, to these--

(If these can't inspire me to finally get serious about redecorating my own dollhouse, nothing will.)  

Go here for more information.


And gracious! With my half of the gift card Kellee gave us for our anniversary, I bought this book--

It arrived yesterday, I sat aside my Reminisce magazines and oh my goodness. I could not put down this book! It's that good.

Read about it here.


"Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ."   ... Ephesians 4:15



  1. Those dollhouses are adorable for sure! I've read the book you ordered & it's so good and very inspiring. I think you will love it!

  2. Just last night Dennis and I were talking about being in a rut. He works such long hours and our evenings are usually spent in front of the television because he’s so tired. We keep thinking of the things will do when he retires, but we also talked about the fact that we have to live for today because you never know if you’ll have tomorrow. Thank you for your reminders today. I started reading the excerpt from your new book on Amazon, but began crying and didn’t get very far. Maybe I’ll try again later. I think it hits too close to home today. This morning my dear brother-in-law is beginning yet another round of chemo for a very aggressive cancer. He has been married to my sister for 44 years and she is just devastated while trying to be a rock for him. We never know if we’ll have tomorrow do we my dear friend? Thank you for another thought-provoking post.
    Blessings, Betsy

  3. Sometimes life is just really hard and exhausting, so every day I try to find things to be thankful for and record them in a book. God is good, all the time. Right now my husband and I are working hard and come home in pain and collapse, much like what Betsy said above. We also are dealing with the emotions of my husband's dad being in the hospital dying with Alzheimer's. I envy you being able to stay home amid calm and peace. Thank you for sharing your little corner of the world with us. This is a lovely place to visit. ☺

  4. Enjoyed your blog, first time I've visited. I was interested in the quote above the sailboat picture. Where did it come from?

  5. Oh what a wonderful reminder of having a gratitude attitude! Thank you for sharing this!

    The dollhouses are so cute!

  6. And did you see the Altoid Mint Tin Dollhouses!!?

  7. Tracy--so happy you enjoyed the dollhouses and yes! I truly did love that book--I'd even call it life-changing. Glad you were able to read it, also!

    Betsy--I'm so sorry to hear about your brother in law! I'm praying for him and your family. Aren't ruts so easy to slip into? My, my, my... seems I'm often needing to shake things up a bit. :)

    Thank-you so much, Robin.... I'm so happy you can find some peace here. I just now read at Facebook that your father in law passed away so please know I'm praying for your family, also. My condolences to you, my friend.

    Welcome, Donna Alice! I do love hearing from new readers. That quote is just something I wrote to end the blog post. I'm glad it meant something to you--thanks for letting me know and I hope you'll continue to read here often!

    And welcome to you, also, Karla! Thanks for visiting here from Facebook--it's good to see you. So happy you enjoyed the dollhouses and yes! That altoid one is so adorably tiny-cute!

    Thanks, Everyone, so much! Blessings, Debra


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