Friday, October 13, 2017

Just a New Wardrobe? Maybe Not.

"...and make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands..." ...1 Thessalonians 4:11


Some women meditate lots about their own clothing, shoes, and they notice what everyone else wears--whether folks' clothes are up-to-date, coordinated, flattering.

I am not one of those women.

But since this past Spring? Grace has hung around my house and head, encouraging me that, hey, "After around a decade, it's time to  pull together a new wardrobe. Something with less black, more color. A casual clothes collection with variety and accessories so you can do what you need to with a bit of added confidence."

And what I love about Grace is that--when she tells you to do something--she declares it a season and then gives you the 'want to'.

The stamina.
The inspiration.
The best leads to sales. 
The right books, teachers and tv shows (like, I've been watching What Not To Wear reruns at 6:00 a.m. on TLC)

Oh and I've studied my wardrobe books, taken lots of notes--

And frankly, I'd be loopy to procrastinate Grace's nudgings. She won't wait forever--Grace tends to move on to the next thing after a reasonable time and if you dawdled or chose to, say, hone your writing skills when Grace wanted to update your wardrobe? 

Oh honey--look out. Struggle Time is coming. 

Yep, push away Grace and replace her with Just You and you won't have much fun, energy or success, either.

So well, I updated my wardrobe.

  (Both were from Salvation Army. Online I bought black tights and shoes to wear with this. Scarves, too.)

And you know? Mostly, I'm shocked at how smoothly it went. Systematically, calmly, detail-oriented-like.

Oh ok, there were times while shopping online that I felt steam coming from my ears. I'd discover the perfect top at a clearance price, but they'd be out of my size. Or something with potential had 0 comments--or--half the comments said 'buy a size up!' and the other half said 'it's true to size.' Or pieces I loved were expensive or totally out-of-stock (over and over) or else, just had a couple ugly colors left.

But then I'd remember Grace. How, with her, you've gone too far when you're considering taking a hammer to your computer. 😉 So I'd step away, read or watch tv and cool down. Then try again another time or day, even. Then often, I'd find something much better.

I also asked Grace to show me the best weekends to shop at our local Salvation Army and wow. The terrific deals I found there.

Oh, and even though Stacie and Clinton say not to wear capri's if you're short, I saw my buddy, Judy, wearing them in a photo, noted she looked adorable, and then bought two. And now love them to pieces.

Anyway. Although this post appears mostly feminine, lightweight and not exactly important, let me add this --

This isn't just about the clothes. 

Follow Grace. Her timing. Her ideas, even if they run counter-clockwise to The News and how the world's currently spinning. With Grace, all is relevant and vital regarding a personal future we're unsure of. Grace comes from God who always knows exactly why He's doing what He's doing--

--and we can safely, calmly rely upon them both.

"To obey is better than sacrifice..."  ...  1 Samuel 15:22

"Throughout our lives, God's grace bestows temporal blessings and spiritual gifts that magnify our abilities and enrich our lives. His grace refines us. His grace helps us become our best selves."
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Today what is Grace leading you to do?



And for those whose current season of Grace revolves around decorating your home, check out this helpful article ---


Today would've been my dear grandmother's 104th birthday. There aren't many people who I miss-- but these are two of the few.


For days I've been praying for all involved with the California fires. While growing-up, I lived near some of those areas and have friends there. It's so devastating--one of those things only a total reliance upon God can get a person through sanely.



  1. I loved this post today. I have 5-6 dresses that I made that I wear pretty much all of the time. I love my dresses but I do realize that I look pretty frumpy. Maybe I should do some wardrobe updates too but I detest clothes shopping with all that is within me and I always have. I guess I'm not a girly girl. :)-

  2. Oh, my friend! How I needed this nudge to "follow Grace"! (I'm not one of those clothes women either - and I've been wearing a few of my "classics" for well over 10 years, too! ♥

  3. Debra, I love your new outfits. So put together! Over the past week or so, I have felt the need to go through my closet, try everything on, then look in the mirror. If it looks good, fits well, and feels comfy, then save it, otherwise, it gets donated. Funny thing, my daughter called my one day, and she was doing exactly the same thing! We just had to laugh. She said, "Mom, I want to look in my closet and know that everything in there makes me feel good about myself." I second that.

  4. Betsy--oh! I also, as a rule, don't enjoy clothes shopping in stores. That's why I've really liked shopping online. Once you know your measurements, it's not too bad since most sites tell you the measurements of the sizes. But I also don't mind too much going to Salvation Army, especially when Grace leads me there, since I also love the feeling of getting such inexpensive deals. (El Cheapo me.) :) (It's good that you like to sew--now, that's *what* I hate! Sewing.) heh. (Thanks for reading here so faithfully!)

    Rebecca--it really does feel great to put together a few new outfits! Now, I just need to get out more. heh.

    Pam--I love how you and your daughter cleaned your closets the same day! And I love what she said, too. Smart girl. You, too.

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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