Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Finding a Way. Again.

"Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content."  ... Philippians 4:11


Even as a little girl I loved marble. Eons later I still do.

Now, do I have marble counter tops or even ones which look like marble? Uh, no. Certain things just don't seem to be able to happen 'round here--and that is one of them.

Remember that post where I suggested rather than complaining about what you can't do, just do what you can? Well, once again I heeded my own advice. From Ebay for a good price, I (finally) bought a marble pastry board--

Ooooo. I loved it so much that, immediately, I stepped here to the computer and ordered another one. It arrived yesterday afternoon --

Now of course, they're not the same as whole new counter tops and yet? They still delight my eyes and senses: the sound of Fiestware as it's placed upon the marble. The juxtaposition of ceramic or glass upon it. The warm glow of a lamp upon a cool stone surface.

You know. 

And I'm not even planning on actually using them for pastry or slicing vegetables. Nah, I just enjoy staring at them. And feeling happy.

At this moment, I don't need a whole, long hunk of marble to make me any happier than I am already.

(And somewhere, there's a lesson mixed up in all that.)


Tom, being male and all, enjoys describing his aches and pains. Me? Not so much. 

Like, I've not even told you that for two months I've had a bit of plantar fasciitis. For the blissfully ignorant of such things, that's where the bottom of your heel hurts when you walk upon it.

Now, it's not been a bad case (and oh, people out there have much worse problems). I've read about what helps and given my foot lots of rest and become adept at walking on tip-toe with barely a limp. Yet twice I took walks when I thought it had healed, but alas, no, it hadn't. Ouch.

But hey, it's not been a big deal and not too painful--just mostly annoying.

So why even mention it? Because of this, I've still not visited that new coffee shop around the corner. The one I declared I'd walk to the minute they opened, the one which God granted me as a reprieve for never stepping into the one which closed.

And uh-oh. I've been nervous that--after 6 weeks of being opened--they'll shut-down before I get there. (Tsk. Tsk. Oh Debra of Little Faith.)

Maybe I'll do Plan B. Instead of walking there, perhaps I'll have Tom drive me and we'll go inside together. He did sweetly volunteer earlier for that, but I told him he'd had his chance with the last place--twice I'd hinted I'd like us to go, but he just nodded and kept on driving. So this time I said, "No, I'll go by myself so I can be sure I get there."

Hmmm. Ol' Debra might just have to eat some crow with her donut while she and Tom sit at a table in that shop. If they do actually make it this time.

Stay tuned.

(The lesson here is pretty clear--always keep your options open and don't go burning any bridges you may want to someday cross.)  😉




  1. Glad you found some marble that makes you happy, but I wouldn't rule out trying to roll out some pie dough on that. I' hear it works wonderfully! I think I would also take Tom up on his offer to drive me to the coffee shop. You don't want to miss out again. Ha ha! I know about foot pain and that's no fun. I've actually been going back to acupuncture for mine again the last couple months. I don't talk about it much but the pain can ruin your whole day. I hope you're enjoying this lovely Tuesday my friend.
    Blessings, Betsy

  2. Debra, I struggled with plantar fasciitis years ago. After we moved to our farmhouse, I painted the entire place, and I think all the time spent on a stepladder hurt my arches. An acquaintance noticed my limp and said she'd found relief with Mephisto shoes (the Helen style). They were the most expensive shoes I'd ever owned, but, eventually, they helped to rebuild my arch and gave me relief. I wear them during the summer, and if I get a twinge of pain, I put them on right away. I have to say, that those shoes last forever, so the cost spread over a decade isn't too bad. I think good support helps the healing process. Hoping you get relief---soon!

  3. Betsy--- I'll consider rolling out pie dough. :) It's just that I hardly ever do that, usually just press it into the dish, plus, Tom's on a big health kick and wouldn't eat pie dough at this moment. Men.... First health kick he's ever been on, really, and he's going all out. :) Anyway! Someday I'll try it, really--I've read it works great to make pie crusts that way.

    Pam--oh thanks! That makes such great sense--I've always had high arches. Right after reading your comment I put on my good-support tennis shoes and will try keeping them on all day. I'll also look into those you mentioned. Thanks so much!

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra

  4. So sorry you're struggling with your feet. I don't think there's any other body part that messes with our lives as much as when our feet are in pain! (Speaking from experience, alas...tendonitis.) And still you have a great attitude, and I appreciate that so much. The marble is lovely and the perfect solution to your desire for marble countertops! Enjoy!

  5. Oh Deb! Tendonitis sounds much worse. Shiver.... Hope you're not having any current problems with it! After Pam, above, mentioned wearing shoes, I put mine on and wow. Why didn't I think of this sooner? I mean, years ago I had foot pain (a different kind) which went away when I was faithful to wear good shoes. (Oh, this growing older and slower stuff.... big sigh!) :) Glad you liked my marble solution and thanks for being encouraging as always! Blessings, Debra

  6. I stumbled across your blog today, you know how one thing leads to another, and I found your post delightful. I think it's wonderful you ordered yourself another marble board. Sometimes it's the little things that make us happy and we should always surround ourselves with things we love and bring us joy. Hope you can make it to that coffee shop one of these days. ;)
    xx Beca

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