Thursday, September 14, 2017

When The New Season Isn't What You'd Thought

"To everything there is a season ... For I have given rest to the weary and joy to the sorrowing."   ...  Ecclesiastes 3:1, Jeremiah 31:25


Well, my summer was rather a bust. All that humidity, heat and tiny annoyances (I'll spare you), so much so, that some days I'd play the Name What You're Grateful For Game--and lose.

Oh dear.

Thankfully, September's felt glorious and yet? There's still the mowing, raking, weed-eating and hedge-trimming as well as yet one more Get Your House In Order season which must be God's idea because I'd prefer to lay on the red couch. Well sometimes, but then, lolling can become dull when overdone.

Anyway, this summer I floundered a bit, felt like somewhere out there was a new dream/vision/task/calling me--but I never found it. Mostly I felt curled inside one huge question mark, and not for the first time--I've experienced this before. You know, feeling like God has a new plan for me, but why's it invisible?

So I just kept plugging away at my certainties. All the daily obediences: homey chores, yard work, writing assignments and words of encouragement. In the past, faithfulness has often led me, poof! Up the hill to a new road, new opportunities and new lessons galore.

Yet that didn't happen this time. All obedience led me right back home.

But it was at home, at Facebook, where I got an answer. I read, "Not every season is a learning season." Wow! I'd actually forgotten that not every month should feel like a spiritual college course. Imagine.

God does give respite months. Times to slow our spinning heads and to recharge lest we burn out like that light bulb hanging over my basement washing machine. Times to simply meditate upon what we've learned and what we may have forgotten--and times to prepare emotionally for what's ahead.

So. Perhaps my 'new season feeling' was actually a resting season calling to me ("Debra, rest why don't you?"). A season to release the pressure to minister and just bask in the goodness of God already-known. Those seasons? Vital ones, yet loud voices of others in their ministry seasons (or Bible verses about slothfulness), can lead us to guilt rather than God-appointed rest.


So what remains is that I--we--obey God in our rest just as earnestly as we do our ministry to others. Obedience when He asks us to step back into silence, for a time, is still obedience, after all.

I think I missed it this summer, the calling to rest. Though ok, humidity led me to rest, but not always peacefully. Next time may I be--may I live--more aware. 

And now during this House In Order season? May I receive much grace and do with peace what should be done.

“Relax, Recharge and Reflect. Sometimes it’s OK to do nothing.” 
― Izey Victoria Odiase

 When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise."  ... 2 Corinthians 10:12


Some of you (I'm thinking) would love the quirky movie, This Beautiful Fantastic. Tom and I plan to watch it this weekend (Netflix disc). Check out the trailer here.


And here's a free kindle book I'm currently enjoying. (I'm only on chapter 2 so if it falls apart into a sleazy, disaster book, please don't become mad at me. Just move on.)  😃


Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden {and} overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]   ... Matthew 11:28



  1. Oh, Debra!
    It could have been ME writing this post.
    Obedience in THIS day...THIS afternoon...THESE minutes.
    Living/remaining/abiding in the Vine.
    And having done all "to stand". Firm.

  2. I feel guilty when I have days of just restfulness. In this world of busy, busy, busy we forget. We forget to just spend time in His presence. Just soaking Him in. I'm the worst at this. Thank you for the reminder.

  3. Rebecca--thank-you for these added words! They are perfect.

    Betsy-- For a whole season in the 90's, like two years, God had me rest and be with Him sooo often. To some it looked like laziness, but for me it changed my entire life. In the silence I came to know God like never before. He's so good!

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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