Sunday, September 17, 2017

When Debra Went All Rebel Without a Cause

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."   Romans 12:2


After I told you about this book--

-- some of you ordered it and said you loved it. I, also, am enjoying Vivian's art while slowly perusing these pages and it'll make a perfect snuggle-on-the-couch-on-Winter-afternoons book.

But. This book contains just the tiniest mention of God (in a quote, actually) and, well, much of it feels (to me), uh, er, trivial. The words leave me feeling so thirsty for the deeper things of Life and God.

Which sounds like a negative spin, but isn't, for it makes me want more of God--and that's good.

Well, just a few pages in, I began an online search for similar books (full of art), but ones by crazy-about-God authors. And well, so far, no go. (And boy, have I searched!) 

Seriously, what I really want is a Susan-Branch-ish type of book, but with God and Jesus all over the pages. Guess I'm asking way too much.


This all reminded me of the 35-year-old Debra who fancied herself a real rebel/soldier for God when she chose to never visit another Christian Book Store. Why? Because of Christian authors/singers who totally ripped-off secular authors/singers. For years I'd seen it -- a terrific idea/style for a book or album would explode on the secular market, then weeks later, bam! A nearly identical book/cd appeared on Christian Book Store shelves, but with a 'God-spin' tacked on.

The young, everything-is-black-and-white me eventually freaked-out. I told Tom, "Christians are plugged into God and should have the most creative ideas! It should be the opposite--the world should be ripping us off. How can these people even sleep at night having stolen others' ideas? Since when is stealing, but under a Christian label, ok?"

I lost all patience. And didn't shop at anything resembling a Christian bookstore for decades.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Where I viewed myself as a warrior for Truth, Jesus probably saw, most likely said--- 

"Debra, Debra... You are worried and upset about many things. But few things are needed--or indeed, only one."

Oh, so true. How vital to know that One person and to crave His viewpoint and His love toward others. To fight for what truly matters, but only after He's nudged me to do so.

To keep a sense of humor and to recall that, seriously, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." And ha! Now all these years later I'm searching for a Christian version of a Susan Branch book. My, how tables are spinning. My, how I have a clearer understanding of different purposes.

Does God still want me to take a stand in some areas? Of course. But now, may my heart remain pliable enough to follow Jesus and not my emotions.

"But we have the mind of Christ."   1 Corinthians 2:16

If I more often sound angry rather than grateful, something is probably wrong.


This latest book search of mine led me to this book which--though not full of art--is full of the things of God --

I've felt convicted lately to more often have company, so this is perfect. Take a peek inside the book here, perhaps save a few pennies on it here.


Oh, and yesterday while searching for a decent PG-13 suspense movie On Demand (a search oh-me-of-little-faith believed would, again, end fruitlessly), I actually found one! Tom and I both really enjoyed the film, 2:22.

When will I remember to always expect good things? Hmm?

Anyway, this film had almost no 'language', hardly any violence and we simply fast-forwarded the obligatory bedroom scene. 😉 

Part Groundhog Day, part Hitchcock, part Twilight Zone. Check out the trailer here.



  1. I am one of those who ordered the book and have been taking my time looking through it. I read a page or two in the evenings at the trailer with my hot chocolate or hot tea. I brought it home this morning because, little by little, we're bringing things home in preparation for closing up for the summer. The past two nights it was below freezing there. Anyway, Hubby saw the book and on the way to church asked me if I was enjoying it. Well, I said yes very much, it's sort of an escape of sorts, but I feel much like you. It is leaving me yearning for more. I think I'm only going to find that by being in my Bible even more. And NOT The Message Bible. Too many new age things in that one that are hidden only slightly.
    Anyway, I AM enjoying the book, but in it's strange way, it's pointing me ever closer to my own Bible where I can soak up His words and no one else's.
    Blessings my friend,

  2. Oh, Debra! I so "GET" it!

  3. Betsy--that's funny that we had the same reaction to the book! I think I kept wanting to learn something, to come away with something that made me *think*, but it didn't really happen. I do, though, really love her watercolor art. She captures what she sees really well. And in my search for books with art, I think I'm reverting back to my childhood--it's like I want pictures with the words. heh. Weird, right?

    Rebecca--so happy you get it! I do love to be understood (didn't feel that way often while growing up). :)

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra

  4. Karla Dornacher has some lovely books that you might enjoy. Very pretty artwork and she is a Christian.

  5. So I finished Vivian Swift's book, Garden's of Awe and Folly. It was interesting. My favorite chapter was the one about Key West. Now it's on my bucket list of places I want to go and visit!


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