Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Where She Spills Her Pragmatic Side

"My times are in your hands ... "   ...Psalm 31:15


You might remember when I'd visit our local supermarket. They'd play Big Band era music and couples and children, even, danced in the aisles (seriously). 

Those were wonderful times.

Well, my times are still terrific, but--get this--I've only shopped at that store once this year(!) And it's not because they stopped playing that music (they did) nor because they rearranged their aisles so I could find nothing (they did that, too).

No, a new peaceful, organized season came along, one where I shop for groceries online. Calmly I sit here and shop from lists then fill my 'prepper shelves'. They're organized, full, and now I can read wild our-Country's-headed-for-huge-trouble articles (like this one) and not panic. Well, not panic much, because hey, I'm doing what I can, controlling what little I can, and God sends a certain brand of peace with personal obedience.

Oh, and I walk to 7-11 for milk, eggs and bread and since Tom enjoys shopping after work, he picks up fresh foods for us. Well, and also bad foods, but he's improving. 😉 Plus my simple garden is yielding her green onions, strawberries, chives, herbs and cherry tomatoes.

So it's all good 'round here.

Anyway, here's what I wanted to tell you today:  Ebates is very, very cool. 

I finally joined-up and gee, watching money come in simply because I shopped online, well, it's nifty.

Here are my favorite stores (just a tiny percentage of all available) which Ebates rewards me for shopping at--


After just a few weeks (and after I finally added the handy-dandy app.)--I've earned $23. Which hey! Is wonderful for doing nothing. Well, other than shopping online which I'd have done anyway (and gotten zero back in The Old Days). 

Anyway, if you're an online shopper, even a casual one, you might want to check out Ebates. Of course, it's free. And if you spend $25 any place the first couple months, you'll receive a $10 gift card.

Oh, and if you let me refer you, I'll get extra money, even. But that's up to you. I'm not blogging today for money for me, but rather, to be practical and pass along a blessing. Heaven knows we can all use an extra blessing these days. 

(But here's my email address so to receive a referral and help me out, just in case.)  😃   ---

Lastly, I'm loving this new season of shopping from home. It's different, yes, but that's ok. Every new season is unique--God enjoys mixing it up so to keep us leaning heavy on Him rather than upon stale, old traditions or, heaven forbid, ourselves.

That's how we grow and then boldly face all new seasons to come.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."   ... Proverbs 3:5,6

"Learn your lessons well ..."  ... copied



  1. I have never done much online shopping except Amazon of course. Never have I thought about buying my groceries online. Are they the same price is if you went in the store or do they charge you more? I'll have to check this out. And, of course if I signed up for Ebates you know I would give you the referral. Thanks for sharing this and have a lovely afternoon my sweet friend.
    Blessings, Betsy

  2. Hi Betsy! Oh, the groceries aren't any more expensive this way and there's always free shipping when you spend a certain amount (varies amongst stores) and there's no paying for gas as well to travel, etc. Walmart prices are always lower than my local supermarket, though back in my sales+coupon days I used to get terrific prices locally. But a couple years ago I lost the grace for coupons so shopping cheaply at Walmart online has been great and freed up much of my time. If you choose to do Ebates you can let me know and I'll give them your email address which will then bring an email invitation to you. Thanks so much for always commenting and encouraging! Blessings, Debra

  3. It makes sense to simplify life. I have friends who do most of their grocery shopping online, simply because it's so much easier. Sometimes I can barely carry my heavy grocery bags up the back stairs of our house. Thank goodness hubby is retiring this fall, and he actually likes to grocery shop with me. I'd be tempted to shop online, but we have an Aldi store that has crazy low prices.

    Thanks for the info, Debra!

  4. My thrifty daughter-in-law introduced me to ebates about 4 years ago and I've gotten almost $250 from them since then! It's GREAT! I downloaded their app (or whatever you call it) so I automatically get the bargain. I'd missed out on too many rebates because I forgot to check ebates before my purchase. Works great!

  5. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Hi there, I log on to your blog daily. Your humoristic style is
    awesome, keep it up!


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